Emergency "Go-Bags": What They Should Be vs Mine

Thursday, October 16, 2014

So there is a lot of crazy stuff that goes down on planet earth now a days and one can never be too prepared. I am a big believer in emergency "go-bags" in order to be able to survive any situation.

Now, what is an "emergency go bag" exactly? Well, its a bag (duh) that contains everything you would need for survival of any situation. If you had to leave in a split second, and all you had time to grab was that bag, it would have everything you need in it. If zombies are banging on your door, a naked homeless man shows up in your hallway, a hurricane, or there is a McDonalds chicken nugget shortage. Whatever the case may be, one should always be prepared. Here are some items, absolutely, every bag should have:

1. Flashlight----> NOT YOUR IPHONE, one with actual batteries
2. BATTERIES for your flashlight
3. Whistle
4. Duct Tape
5. Local and Regional Maps (the paper kind)
6.  Pocket knife
7. Cash- please include coins too payphones do still exist
8. Matches
9. WATER! get some more on your way out if you can
10. Food that does not expire, or space food (yes, the food they eat in space)
11. Toothepaste and Toothbrush
12. Blanket
13. How to Survival book
12. First Aid kit

Those are the essentials! Must haves that I recommend for every household to have. Preferably in an easily accessible place but don't let it take over your feng shui in the living room.

Now here is my preferred "go-bag".......

All of the above (hello, I'm trying to survive here)
my favorite pair of pants
my cute socks with the whales on them
my make-up bag
my coupon book
a hairbrush
dry shampoo (otherwise ratchet for daysssss)
a beanie
at least 4 pairs of underwear
my phone
my phone charger (outlets are everywhere, don't judge me)
Cards Against Humanity
Fruit Roll Ups
Permanent markers and paper 
my glittery nail polish

But I mean, that's just if I have time to grab all of those.  The point is you should always be prepared to leave in a split second, You don''t have time to think, you jsut have time to grab. Don't grab too much  (unless youre trunk has wheels) otherwise it will slow you down.

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