7 Reasons Why Halloween is The Best Holiday

Friday, October 31, 2014

H A P P Y H A L L O W E E N! 

Ayyyyy! We made it through 10 months of 2014 friends! For real though, November is tomorrow. There is nothing scarier than accepting the fact that 2014 is two months away from being over, but that just means we're officially in the fall season spirit!
Hallow-eve is by far my favorite holiday of the year! I love the make-up, I love the haunted houses, the pumpkin patches, I love being something different every weekend. (Side note: Remember when you were little and you could only be one thing for that whole month?! That doesn't exist when you get older. Adult life can be useful sometimes.) Orange and black are the colors of the month, and they just make me so excited about all the festivities people can take part in.

7 Reasons Why Halloween is the Best Holiday

1. Pumpkin everything! 

Pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, carving pumpkins, pumpkin scents, pumpkin lattes (not my cup of tea, but no judgment), pumpkin pancakes, and pumpkin bagels. The list can go on and on. Anything you want to put pumpkin in now is the time to get all of your cravings out. There is pumpkin everywhere! Don't fear the orange.

2. Costumes. 

These are the best things ever. You can be whatever you want, and no one can say anything! DIY is my favorite costumes this year, but last year I bought like six real costumes. You can try out different outfit choices and makeup styles and just be someone different. Nurse, cowboys, babies, army men, french maids are all favorite costumes. Sometimes the sexy version of each one isn't a terrible option either. You should never feel as if you need to be more revealing than your comfortable with. It's a costume, save your bare skin for the shower y'all.

3. EVERYONE can participate. 

You don't have to worry about offending someone by accidentally wishing them a Happy Christmas when they're Jewish. Halloween is all one holiday that everyone can agree on and has just accepted which leads me to reason number 4

4. It's voluntary. 

If you don't want to participate in this event, don't buy candy, and keep your porch light off. If you want to dress up, go for it, but if you don't want to, nobody is going to be offended.

5. The decorations. 

Some people go all out and decorate their whole house! I love seeing haunted homes; it's so creative. It's like Christmas time but with Halloween props, and that's pretty great. Scarecrows, skeletons, things that pop out at you when you ring the doorbell. Halloween teaches you to be o your toes. Even with this whole Trunk-or-Treating peoples cars look so cool! One year I dressed my car up like a baked potato, that was fun.

6. The Activities

Pumpkin patches, haunted house, costume parties, and corn mazes just to name a few. Haunted grave years, abandoned places, and themes galore. There is not something to do. Oh, and all the scary movies come out during this month, it's an excellent chance to get real close with your love interest)

7. The amount of candy! 

The pre-Halloween eve candy and post! Everything is like half off after Hallow-eve which is the adult version of trick or treating. Chocolate for days means cavities for life, but no cares given to that one. Does it count if I'm a dentist for Halloween?

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