Be At Peace, Not In Pieces

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Choosing one quote that you really like is one of the harder tasks in life. Quotes come at you from different moods, angles, people, and times. I am going to sound like a total hippie throughout this entire post, so bare with me, but these quotes really do mean something to me.

I cant choose just one, but these are some of my favorites. I have them memorized and written down in easy to spy places as little reminders throughout the day.

To me this is absolutely perfect. Yes, anyone can travel the world, take a ton of photos and live to talk about it. Why are you traveling if you're not sharing memories with anyone else. No one is going to know how odd looking that hitch hiker looked in Spain, or capture the beauty of a painting in the art gallery.  This quote could also have nothing to do with traveling in general. Life will go by fast if you only have yourself, but if you have others surrounding you then life will be more meaningful. You will have more of a connection on this first phase of forever.

Overcome any challenge, take on any obstacle and make it your own. You cannot sit back and let life rape you when the going gets tough. Worrying gets you nowhere fast. Seize the day. Either you run the day or the day runs you.  Fight your battles without any complaints. I need to work on this one a little more because i am so passionate about this quote right here yet I don't always take my won advice with it.  Build yourself up mentally and physically. Find your center, and find your focus. 

I think this is more of a self esteem quote but there is a lot of truth that can beheld here. Find peace wihtin  your self, your body, personality, schooling, friends, etc. Any aspect of life peace can be found in. Dont find yourself constantly fixing issues that aren't yours or battling problems that really are meaningless. To me, this quote is a significant reminder of living the chillest life possible. Don't let anyones words or actions get to you. Find peace within yourself.

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