Unique Mothers Day Gifts For The Mom That Needs To Implement a Little More Self Care Into Her Life

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Unique Mothers Day Gifts For The Mom That Needs To Implement a Little More Self Care Into Her Life
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I don’t know where moms acquire all these amazing traits that allow them to know what temperature is safe to eat chicken, some random home remedy to fix a cold or answer all your questions about what kind of tax bracket you’re in. Moms are the know all, be all, and providers of all and that’s the kind of Kool-Aid I want to be drinking. Although, I know all of these wondrous superpowers come with a price, usually having to do with saving hardly anytime for their wondrous mom-self.

Imagine how superior your mom could be with a little self-care added to her daily routine? I’m thinking of mine, and I know a little self-care could go a long way in her eyes. Be the son/daughter of the year and give her the gift of selfishness this year for mother’s day. Jewelry is nice, but self-care is better.

Unique Mothers Day Gifts For The Mom That Needs To Implement a Little More Self Care Into Her Life

I’ve put together a little gift guide for you in hopes to help you find something truly unique to what your mom needs the most this year. There is for sure something in here for every type of mom (or dad if you’re lacking a mother figure in your life). I've done extensive research and reached out to some of these brands in hopes to save you some money along the way!

I’ve also reached out to these brands and was able to pass out some discount code for you as well! Couponing? You’re already making mamma proud.

The gift of inspiration with Belle-Blu

Unique Mothers Day Gifts For The Mom That Needs To Implement a Little More Self Care Into Her Life

Belle-Blu is a cute little boutique shop I stumbled upon in one of my blogging groups. They have everything you need for the mom that needs a little something to feel inspired. I love their new inspiration collections and all of their home goods! What is better yet is they donate a portion of every sale to a new charity every month! Give your mom the gift that gives back. Shop with small businesses for this Mothers day and get your mom something unique that will inspire her. Right now get free shipping with the code SWEET.

Good Vibes and... Soaps?

Unique Mothers Day Gifts For The Mom That Needs To Implement a Little More Self Care Into Her Life

I’m not saying I believe in healing stones, I’m just saying they haven’t been wrong. Even if you don’t believe in healing stones, the mere act of giving someone the gift of energy, or peacefulness, or clarity is a present in itself. These babies are powerful *clap emoji*. Send your mom the gift of good vibes with a simple soap set. Each of these soaps are infused with stones and crystals with positive energy that lasts all day. Each soap has a different energy and helps align the user in ways their body is in most need of. I particularly like the Jeweled Vision circle soap for my mom because embedded is a Clear Quartz stone which amplifies whatever energy or intent is programmed into it, and continues to broadcast that energy throughout her space. Even better, I have a discount code for you use promo code cupofjojo at checkout for 10% off!

Essential Oil Rollers are Essential...

Unique Mothers Day Gifts For The Mom That Needs To Implement a Little More Self Care Into Her Life

The gift that keeps on giving. Essential oil rollers are perfect for a mom on the go all of the time. They are easily stowed away in any size purse and can have lasting effects all day. Plus, the scents are so lovely; your mom is sure to get compliments all day from coworkers. My current fave is Citrus Burst from Momma’s Home (totally fitting brand name, right?) but she also has a few others like Balancing, Cold Comfort and Vitality that have more energy fueled purposes. Use code cupofjojo at checkout and get 20% off, plus if you send just $10 you’ll get free shipping. YASSS.

Provide the gift of Laughter

Unique Mothers Day Gifts For The Mom That Needs To Implement a Little More Self Care Into Her Life

Maybe Momma is going through a tough time of sorts. Cheer her up with one of these sassy shirts from Cover Your Basics! Is she a day drinker? Does she want to be? There is something for everyone here that is sure to provide a smirk when it is unwrapped. Use code firsttimebasic and receive 10% off. Plus there is free shipping, always…

Brighten her morning

Unique Mothers Day Gifts For The Mom That Needs To Implement a Little More Self Care Into Her LifeUnique Mothers Day Gifts For The Mom That Needs To Implement a Little More Self Care Into Her Life

Throw your mom's alarm clock away and replace it with her phone. Her phone that now has a subscription to Yoga Wake Up on it. This app service is incredible. Instead of the annoying BEEP BEEP BEEP blaring in her ear, she can wake up to a peaceful meditation or a yoga dance party session. Subscription services can go a LONG way in the mom world. Take care of her and give her the gift of a peaceful morning. Use this link on your mobile phone and receive loads of discounts depending on your subscription service. The discounts are as follows: $6.99/mo. is $2 off, $29.99/6 mo. is $5 off, or $46.99/year is $12 off.

If you haven’t noticed, a lot of these are small businesses. I highly highly HIGHLY encourage you to shop local or shop small for your mother’s day gifts. Yes, we all love Amazon but these shops offer competitive pricing and have excellent customer service. Get your mom something as unique and inspiring as her.


  1. I love all of these ideas! Especially for the mother that is hard to buy for!

  2. These ideas are really fun and unique! I'm a mama and can say I would love any of these!

  3. I love that soap!! I love how unique all of these are... & I lowkey want some for myself LOL xx Shannon • www.essellesse.com

  4. These are such sweet ideas! I'm always looking for unique gifts :)

  5. Essential oil rollers are such a good idea!



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