7 Tips To Beating Cheat Meals While Traveling

Thursday, April 4, 2019

7 Tips To Beating Cheat Meals While Traveling
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If there is one thing I’ve learned while traveling, it is that diets and traveling do not go well together. You want to try all the fun foods and not hold back, but at the same time, you really want to stay strict on your eating habits. When you’re traveling, it can be challenging to stay healthy, so it’s entirely possible that your whole diet will get shaken up and even when you try to plan your food and exercise.

I’m not a calorie counter by any means but I for sure want to get the most out of my travels while being conscious of what I’m putting into my body. I may want to indulge in a pizza and a load of fruity drinks but then maybe balance it out with a nice summer salad and some smoothies.

7 Tips To Beating Cheat Meals While Traveling

Here are a few tips to keep you on track while you’re traveling, while allowing some cheat meals.

7 Tips To Beating Cheat Meals While Traveling

Pack Snacks

I’m an advocate for snack packing! Packing a lot of snacks doesn't mean you'll eat more, but this will keep your diet regular while you're traveling. Stock up on snacks like dried nuts, protein bars, and jerky, to stay ahead of hunger as these quick bites will help you to make healthier food choices throughout your trip. Hit your hunger before it hits you!

Always Eat Breakfast

ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS. My friends that tell me they don’t eat breakfast, I just give them a blank stare. Why wouldn’t you want to immediately satisfy your belly in the morning? The first meal you put into your body is the MOST IMPORTANT meal. You should always have a nutritious breakfast before you start a day out and about. A nutritious breakfast will keep you energized and satisfied. This will reduce snacking, and cravings for bad foods!  

7 Tips To Beating Cheat Meals While Traveling

Drink Lots of Water

Pack a reusable water bottle; we’re friendly to the environment here, folks. This will save the environment as well as save you money. There are plenty of refillable water stations in various travel ports.  Plus it is an excellent way to guarantee you stay hydrated, without having to buy plastic water bottles continually.


Plan a couple of walking and running trails because if you already have these places in mind to do some exercise, then it will just feel like part of the trip. It could be up a mountain or running along a beach. Even in places like Borneo where you might think it is all wildlife and nature, there are some fantastic beaches for swimming and running. Take a look at the guide to Borneo's best beaches to see where you could go. Also, the best thing for you to do is to walk everywhere, even if public transport is available, walking is the best way to explore a new city or country.

7 Tips To Beating Cheat Meals While Traveling

Indulge in a Cheat Meal

Allow yourself to have something you want. Cheat meals are good for the soul. Eat something that makes you happy, or is a local cuisine you've been dying to try. Go for a run later if you're really concerned but allow yourself to kick back a little.

Up Your Veggie Intake

Make sure you eat plenty of vegetables with every meal, even when you're ordering out. When you’re out at a restaurant, as much as you might want those French fries, opt for the steamed veggies. Indulge in French fries maybe every other day? Just try to make at least half of your meal is vegetables so you can enjoy the local delicacies alongside plenty of goodness.

Watch Your Drink

Coming from me, this sounds a little nutso, but drinks have calories too, and other side effects. Alcohol affects the chemistry of the brain, and it can harm how you’re feeling.  You don’t want to ruin your trip! Drink responsibly, have fun, and drink water! Replenish those electrolytes and rock your hangover if necessary.

It’s essential to take care of yourself while you are away from home, in every way. So watch what you eat, watch what you drink, watch your belongings, keep in touch with people, look after your friends, stay in a group and have a load of fun!

7 Tips To Beating Cheat Meals While Traveling


  1. I try to cut myself slack while traveling, since in my opinion the food is one of the best parts! But packing snacks and meals at work has definitely saved my diet!

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