A Shout Out to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

Thursday, April 25, 2019

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

I want to give a shoutout to Instagram drafts. Like they just sit there, wait there, and wish to be the next spotlight of your Instagram handle, yet some of them just never quite make it. Why is that? What a sad life thinking your spotlight is going to come and it just never does.

I was on Instagram the other day... okay like 3 minutes ago, and went to go post a photo and realized my drafts are SO BUSY right now. I have 17 unposted photos in my Instagram drafts. Why am I like this? How do I fix this? Is it too weird to post this photo of my feet from winter time when its literally Summer here? 

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

After looking through my drafts, some even ready to go with tags, captions, and hashtags set, I thought to myself how these are never going to make the gram at this rate. But they still deserve to be seen by the world!

So here I am, world. I'm getting off of Instagram, and onto my blog. The photos following these words are all Instagram photos I had saved, ready to go out but for some reason, didn't make the cut. 

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

Caption: best boy band since One Direction
Reason for not posting: This was the busiest week of my 2019. I went to New Orleans, then came back and went to this amazing week-long series of events, and then jetted off to New Zealand. There just wasn't enough time to post some of these photos. I was on one adventure to the next so quickly.

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

Caption: None was written
Reason for not posting: I wanted a Toy Story caption about Woody having a snake in his boot. Nothing clever was coming to mind. Also during the time of MANY events.

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

Caption: Friends: It's just a pub, don't be extra. Me:
Reason for not posting: Honestly, this felt like a very cocky pose and I couldn't make it sassy or innocent enough to warrant it. Plus there was just a lot of stuff in the background. Clutter frustrates me. 

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

Caption: Please leaf me alone, I'm busy enjoying this autumn season. 
Reason for not posting: I TOOK THIS PHOTO TWO YEARS AGO. ITS BEEN SITTING IN MY DRAFTS FOR TWO YEARS. I went to portland and was AMAZED by the leaves. Their colors were so vibrant. I love nature shots but I guess my insta following doesn't because none of y'all ever double tap on them! 

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

Caption: no caption created
Reason for not posting: I really liked my work outfit, but I didn't post this because at the time I was posting just to post on Instagram and I'm really trying to get out of that habit.

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

Caption: The one with too many clothes
Reason for not posting: We took so many polaroids and I liked those so much better than the digital photos but Rob and I really had a fun time. Shout out to Tyler for having a birthday, Sidney for being a rockstar with themes and FRIENDS for existing. 

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

Caption: no caption created (I'm telling you, these things happen on the spot and I don't look back)
Reason for not posting: This was a collaboration post with Rent the Runway that didn't make the insta cut. I posted a different photo in this jacket instead. 

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

Caption: Walk out with your Rock out. I bought so many crystals here (tagged at Cactus Joe's Blue Diamond Nursery) I've only been here once but Cactus Joe's is easily one of my favorite hidden gems of Las Vegas. Read more about them on my blog! 
Reason for not posting: Shameless blog promo for a blog post that never happened. I have a few others I wanna talk about but I have never gotten around to typing it up.  

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

Caption: POSH... mark. Plz buy my clothes. 
Reason for not posting: Selfies are weird for me. I'm trying to get into them again but why when you can always ask a perfectly good stranger, friend, or tripod to take your picture.

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

Caption: Fulfilled my nature quote for the year. (might still use this on another photo) 
Reason for not posting: I just have too much shadow going on. Someone wanna edit my photos? *nervously sweats*

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

Caption:  We went to prom
Reason for not posting: I posted a solo shot of me in this dress, instead. Once again, part of a Rent the Runway collaboration, and I had to focus on the product more so than the amount of fun I had in it. I did print and frame this photo though, so essentially it's already posted!

So there you have it my good enough to make it to Instagram but not good enough to make it to the feed photos. I think we all have some of these. Instagram is a game and we are all just trying to figure out the rules.

I am 100% down to make this a series and have yall send me in your Instagram drafts and post them here. Like at least some folks will see them yenno? Lets freakin' do that. Send me those pics that arent with your aesthetic, out of season, an outfit repeater,  your awesome trip that you over posted about, etc. and I'll post them up with your handle and everything! A good photo deserves to be shared with the world somewhere! 

A Shoutout to the Instagram Drafts That Never Made The Feed

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