The Anne Klein Purse that Brought Together Functionality and Fashion For Me

Thursday, April 18, 2019

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I've always been a tote bag gal but never really looked into functional yet fashionable options. Throughout college, I carried one of those wide open Michal Kors tote bags which was great for the time being but was more fashion-forward than functional. My laptop would stick out, if I had a busy day I could never find what I wanted in that wide open space, and it just wasn't practical anymore. I finally decided that it was time to give that up once I graduated from college and got a big girl job. Mr. Kors helped me along with all my professional needs in college but I wanted to redefine my style now that I was a career woman.

Parting with a purse can be a very emotional process. I know that sounds dumb but you’ve grown accustomed to its pockets, features, size and you just never think something else can compare. There is definitely a functionality learning curve.

Two summers ago I bought this pink, square, double handle tote bag from Anne Klein, and it has been my professional lifeline ever since. I have grown extremely fond of my Miss Pink. I don't actually call my purse Miss Pink, but it sounded right at that moment. And it has been an identifier for me for quite some time. When I walk into a room, people might not know my name, but they've seen me before, and they've seen me before with this pink purse. 

Anne Klein Purse | professional laptop bags | professional purse | business bags | how to look professional | professional outfit ideas | laptop bag ideas | pink purse ideas |

I especially love Anne Klein because Anne Klein is and has been a trendsetter for the past 50 years. Anne Klein is the style of girl bosses everywhere and they understand that working women need to put their best foot forward and dedicate all her efforts into projects but also know when she needs a little treat for herself too. Hence, this lovely little gem of a purse.

First and foremost, I realized I needed a bag that can hold my laptop. Most professionals can take their job on the road if need be. This purse pleasantly fits my MacBook Air and still has room left over for essential tools like pens, water bottles, and notebooks. My bag fits my laptop and I can also toss in a water bottle to run along the spine of my laptop preventing that purse bulge we all hate. You know the one, where it looks like we're cramming so much stuff into a tote bag and then we breach crazy bag lady territory. 

Anne Klein Purse | professional laptop bags | professional purse | business bags | how to look professional | professional outfit ideas | laptop bag ideas | pink purse ideas |

After a hard day of working though, I like to wind down with a glass of wine, or a bottle. 

This bag can fit three bottles of wine!

What’s great about this bag, is it’s taller than a bottle of wine and can fit up to three bottles. No more juggling my phone, my bottles, and maybe a DVD or two in my hands. With this purse being so square, it's hard for things to get lost or crushed because there is not much give. Its functionally meant to slip things in and slip things out. No open wide madness.

Anne Klein Purse | professional laptop bags | professional purse | business bags | how to look professional | professional outfit ideas | laptop bag ideas | pink purse ideas |

This bag can fit a medium-sized pizza!

The last and favorite perk, it’s a great movie theater bag. It fits a medium-sized pizza box for EXTRA convenience. 

Linked below is the most similar lookalike I could find because, unfortunately, I don’t think you can find miss pink anymore. She was one of a kind because she was a long rectangular tote bag. Instead of going sideways she went long ways and that was the main kicker for a lot of my adventures with her. 

The Anne Klein Purse that Brought Together Functionality and Fashion For Me

Anne Klein Purse | professional laptop bags | professional purse | business bags | how to look professional | professional outfit ideas | laptop bag ideas | pink purse ideas |

1 comment

  1. What a super cute & useful bag!

    xx, Roselyn


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