5 Ways To Spoil Yourself This Year

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

treat yourself ideas, spoil myself, self care ideas, self reflection ideas, me time ideas, how to relax, take a break, balancing life

This life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes you’re on top of the world, and sometimes you bogged down with all kinds of issues. We have to work pretty damn hard every single day in order to get what we want, and that isn’t always the most comfortable thing mentally, physically, and spiritually. That’s why, when we get a little time off to relax, we need to spoil ourselves! Those are precious moments that we need to take advantage of!

A lot of people tend to feel guilty when they have a period of time in pure luxury. I know I do. That shouldn’t have to be the case though. Putting myself first is a priority. We all deserve to love ourselves and treat ourselves right from time to time. You really don’t want to hit old age and regret not doing things because you were too focused on what was bogging you down.

Like any self-help podcast will tell you. You need to treat yourself. You need to spend time with yourself. You need to spoil yourself.

treat yourself ideas, spoil myself, self care ideas, self reflection ideas, me time ideas, how to relax, take a break, balancing life

Everyone has different ways of feeling happy and living luxuriously, so there’s no wrong answer when choosing what you want to do. Some can be fairly small and convenient, others can be huge.

Here are some treat yourself ideas in terms of how you can spoil yourself when you have a free moment, or maybe even when you don’t.

Have A Cheat Day!

treat yourself ideas, spoil myself, self care ideas, self reflection ideas, me time ideas, how to relax, take a break, balancing life

This is something that you can do when you feel especially bogged down. It’s obviously not the most extravagant way of spoiling one’s self, but it’s something you can do consistently that will make you feel a lot more at ease with your life. Life balance is so important. People think that, in order to live a physically healthy life, you must eat the right foods every single day – that’s not the case at all. You’re allowed to indulge in a treat every now and then. Eat the cheesecake, don’t order the dressing on the side, or get a 2nd latte.

Eating junk and foods that aren’t the best for us make us happy – we crave them. So why not allow your cravings to be killed for an entire day? The brain makes us think that, after a day of bad eating, our figure changes and we become super unhealthy – that’s not true either. Cheat days make us content, they allow us to then crave the healthy stuff again, and they actually help out in terms of weight loss as the body needs to experience all kinds of foods.

You know your limits. Don’t do something that’s going to make you feel worse. Cheat within reason.

Spa Day

Everybody deserves to chill out and feel complete relaxation. What better way to do this than by hitting up a relaxing spa. If you have the time and money for it, then you may as well experience this kind of thing every once in a while. With all the stresses and strains of day-to-day life, it’s only right that you should have a day dedicated to nothing other than bliss and endorphins.

If funds are a bit more of a problem, another way is to make an in-home retreat for yourself. Buy some luxury products and treat yourself to a weekend or night in!

Take A Little Break Away

If you’re a home bird and a creature of habit, then the idea of getting away from your house or office might seem a little difficult. A change of scenery can do the brain some good. Whether you pop by a coffee shop you’ve never been to or jet off to a city you’ve traveled many times before. Only when you take the plunge do you see what’s out there and how lovely the rest of the planet is. If you have a week or two to book off, then you can do a lot worse than getting yourself away on vacation. When you’re out of the country and in a new environment, you feel as though you have a new life in a way. Your problems and struggles are back in the other land, after all! The internet gives us the power to do so much, and finding places to go on vacation is just one example. For instance, you can visit here to check out a wonderful apartment rental – you can get everything sorted in a matter of minutes if you’re speedy!

Attend An Event You’ve Always Wanted

treat yourself ideas, spoil myself, self care ideas, self reflection ideas, me time ideas, how to relax, take a break, balancing life

Life is all about moments and experiences. We can talk about what-ifs and what sounds nice, but those thoughts pale in comparison to real-life situations. If you’ve always wanted to see your favorite band live, go and do it – the same goes for your sports team or a natural phenomenon. I know one thing I’ve always wanted to do was go to New York around Christmas time. I’m hoping to make that happen this year as a treat to myself. Go and get what you want, and don’t worry about what people think of it. Enjoy yourself at a huge event, and go crazy.

Hire An Assistant

This point obviously isn’t exclusive to your days off, but we’ll include it anyway as it’s something that can take a huge load off of your days and weeks. Having somebody else fulfill the roles you’ve had to do in the past can feel fantastic. You get to focus on what you want to do throughout. Whether you get a virtual assistant or hire one in person, you’ll feel so spoiled but so relieved at having someone under you.

What are some ways you treat yourself? Let's talk about them in the comments below! If you liked this post, feel free to subscribe to my blog and you'll be updated every time I post! I promise I'm not like a regular email, I'm a cool email. And I only intrude once or twice a week!

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