5 Natural Remedies That Will Help You Protect Your Skin

Friday, July 19, 2019

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Your skin is the front runner for your life. It bears the brunt of your existence. It bakes in the summer sun and braces itself against the cold winter winds. It collects the dirt and grime from activities and the bumps and cuts from your injuries.

Whether you have combination, dry, or oily skin, you need to implement the best possible skincare routine to keep that face looking fresh for years to come! The face is the most sensitive part of your body and can be the most reactive. Inflammation, swelling, bruises, and bumps all come to the surface when we don't incorporate the best products.

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Fortunately, there are ways to show your skin some love without expensive creams or harsh chemicals. Here are four natural remedies that will help protect your skin through any season.

Argan Oil

Argan oil is a natural oil derived from trees in Morocco. It is often used as a culinary delight in Moroccan cuisine, as well as an important ingredient in many cosmetics. Argan oil has long been idolized for its antioxidant properties, deep hydration, and quick absorption with little residue. Researchers learn more about argan oil and its health benefits regularly.
Using argan oil as a moisturizer deeply nourishes your skin and restores lost nutrients. It also helps strengthen hair and nails, making it a one-stop-shop for hydration and beautification.

PRO TIP: Only use oils on your skin that can be healthily ingested. That’s how you know it’s safe for all parts of your body.

Bentonite Clay

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Bentonite clay is a versatile natural remedy for skin protection that can be used in a variety of ways. The main benefit of bentonite clay is that it pulls toxins from the skin and can regulate sebum production. Sebum is an oily substance produced by the skin that results in clogged pores and acne during periods of overproduction.

Mix your bentonite clay with other natural substances, such as honey or oats, to make clay masks. Apply liberally with a brush, let it rest for 30 minutes, and wash off for lasting results. This is also an excellent product to reduce razor bumps. Lather, shave, rinse repeat.


There’s a reason that aloe is used on sunburns. Aloe has natural healing properties due to its complex makeup. Aloe consists of vitamins A, C, and E, which are all antioxidants, as well as other vitamins and minerals. It also has antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory components, as well as beneficial fatty acids and amino acids.

This miracle plant is great for treating burns and blemishes, and can also be used as a preventative measure to keep skin healthy. When purchasing, make sure you’re getting 100% aloe and not mixed with a cooling gel. This can cause the skin to become irritated.

PRO TIP: Invest in an aloe plant and you will never have to purchase mass-produced aloe again!

Sea Salt

Exfoliation is important for clearing debris from your skin so that new, healthy skin can shine through. If you’re taking a natural approach to skincare and protection, using sea salt as an exfoliant has numerous benefits.

Sea salt has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with blemishes and the texture of the salt acts as an exfoliant without adding anything unnatural to the skin. Also, using sea salt in combination with honey or aloe as a face scrub can help open up those nasty clogged pores that none of us want!


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Avocados aren't just for toast, friends. Avocado oil is made in quite a few different skin and hair care products. They are rich in fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins which relieve inflammation, nourish and moisturize. Any type of skin product with Avocado in the mix is a hot commodity in the summertime because they are especially high in Vitamin E, which is great for keeping skin moisturized as well as helping with sunburns. No aloe, no problem. Lather some avocado oil over your body and that will do the trick. 

Avocados must be the real magical fruit because they're great for healing cuts and blisters too. It reduces inflammation during the healing process, therefore speeding it up. Use avocado oil as a moisturizer with some essentials oils like lavender or rose geranium for the ultimate skin regimen.

Coming from someone that has highly sensitive skin, these natural remedies are lifesavers AND wallet savers. No more spending your entire paycheck on big brands that do little for your skin. You can get these products at your local market. Let me know your favorite all-natural skincare products in the comments below!

all natural skin care | natural skin care regimen | natural moisturizers | cuts and scrapes remedies | sunburn remedies | how to treat sunburn naturally | natural skin care ingredients

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