My Sorority Story - Part 3: The After Life (Going Alum)

Friday, July 20, 2018

My advisors told me I couldn’t major in Sigma. And they were right. On paper, I could not declare Sigma as my major but (and this is about to get REALLY corny) in my heart I could. I wanted and still want to see my chapter succeed. I dedicated a lot of time in my collegiate years to this organization so I was extremely excited to take my next step into the organization.

I had to give back to the organization that gave me so much. When I think about it Tri sigma has given my life so much meaning. I now understand my full potential, my confidence has sky rocketed, and all of my friends and fondest college memories contain sisters. How could I ever give back to such a wonderful organization?  

I started small. Literally, super small. I paid my alumnae dues, which were $65 FOR THE YEAR. I used to pay $85 a month in college. That’s a little backwards don’t ya think? Regardless, it was one small step for the national organization, one giant leap into my after life of Sigma.

It’s really weird going from maintaining three jobs, attending to school full time, being a leader in a sorority, and probably a plethora of other tasks to just working. That’s it. The rest of the time is mine. I choose what to do with it.

Just so were on the same page, alumnae life is way chill y’all. Like, we have it made. We have two meetings a year and the rest of our time together consist of happy hours, service projects, BINGO, and a variety of other fun sisterhood activities. Most of our business is conducted in a Facebook group.

I paid my dues and I think I attended one event because I won’t lie, the engagement in our alumnae chapter wasn’t SUPER high by any means. It’s still a fairly new chapter as well. Are you catching a trend here? I wasn’t exactly jumping at the bits to go to an event, so I found other Sigma things to keep myself busy.

I became a national volunteer and signed up to be the Scholarship advisor for Theta Epsilon. I essentially over saw their grades and educational opportunities. With this position I was able to see the growth of the chapter I helped develop. I was fortunate enough to attend an education institute with our collegiate representative. Honestly, I thought this would be a bunch of mumbo jumbo about scholarships and programs from Sigma to help girls get their grades up but (wo)MAN. I have never learned so many life lessons in one conference. It’s amazing how even after college I can still take away from these collegiate experiences. Literally, one of the speakers was an etiquette instructor. We took an etiquette course. No way in hell would I have signed myself up for that on my own but Tri Sigma values holding women to a higher standard and they felt it was important for us to know. I met some of the most amazing people along the way; even friends that appeared again later on in my alumnae life.

I recently resigned from my scholarship advisor position to focus more on my current position as the alumnae chapter president. Once again, another sister saw potential in me and thought I’d fit the role. I was voted in and this has definitely been my most challenging alumnae roll. It’s challenging to be involved with something when it’s not constantly in your face. I get it, I really do.

All of these positions are great and have really taught me a lot about myself that I don’t think I would’ve ever known had I not pushed myself to be the ideal candidate for the position I was serving. I never realized how much of a go-getter attitude I’ve developed and I have all of my sisters to thank for that. A lot of these realizations came to light when I was selected to attend Tri Sigma’s Labyrinth Leadership Experience. I had applied for this when I first joined sigma and was not selected. I’m not sure why but I was itching to apply again and I thought that was so dumb. They didn’t pick me the first time. Why would they pick me now? Well the gods of Sigma land assembled and gave me one of the most reaffirming and rewarding experience my life has ever seen. You put 20 women in a room and the only things they know they have in common is the fact that we share an eternal bond and you’re going to walk out with some of the best memories and highest string of emotions you’ve ever seen.

Sigma has five values that are highlighted the most in our sisterhood and those are faith, hope, wisdom, love, and power. To most they sound like buzzwords, but to me, they are little pearls of inspiration.  Labyrinth really dived into how we can live our values in our daily life. Look at me now. I’ve been out of college for 2 years and I took all the information they gave us and soaked it in like a sponge.

This program has launched my sigma after life career into hyper drive. I want to know how I can help provide these experiences for women in the future. I see how fulfilling and, honestly, mind blowing, some of these opportunities are and any women would be so lucky to experience this awesome sisterhood.

This is proof in the making that sorority life lives WAY beyond college (to college and beyond…). Fraternal organizations are all about empowering each other to chase our dreams and know they have someone supporting them along the way.

Thank you Tri Sigma for instilling long lasting hope in my mind, showing me compassion, giving me my future bridesmaids, and guiding me to access my full potential. 

I'm not crying, you're crying.

Know it's never too late to join and I hope my journey has inspired you, even if its in the smallest way. 

P.S. This is the end of the series. If there is more in the after life, I can't say I've reached that point yet, but when I do you can expect a blog post. 

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