I'm Turning A New Leaf On This Whole Camping Idea

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Okay, so, I’ve been camping like maybe twice in my life. I was younger when I willingly made it to the woodlands, but it was never something I was excited over. I don’t like bugs, trees or anything that doesn’t involve fluorescent lighting. Being stuck in a tiny tent, with a lot of mud and only bugs and creepy crawlies for company. Oh and a burnt sausage for your breakfast? No, thank you. I’m a city girl at heart and as much as I would like to be “at one with nature” I’m just not.

Don’t get me wrong; camping is a great way to spend a weekend. It is a mini-escape that you can fit into a few days. You can travel as far as you want, and as long as you want and as long as you have some great company, you are on your way to a great weekend. Camping can (typically) be rather inexpensive too!

However, these days you can get some pretty luxurious tents, some fantastic locations that even have electric hookups, and often the destinations you can stay in are pretty jaw-dropping regarding views and natural beauty. These are ideas I can adapt to. Recently I’ve been spending more time outdoors and exploring what aspects of nature I do like and that has helped me open my eyes to the concept of ‘glamping.’ Glamping is a style of camping with amenities and, in some cases, resort-style services not usually associated with "traditional" camping. That is a compromise I can work with.

With glamping, you are still leaving behind some conveniences, but if you have the essentials, it can make this experience so much more enjoyable for the nature-lover and the nature novice.

The right tent

Gone are the days where a tent made for two small people would be the standard. The one that would take you hours to put up. These days you can invest in some pretty special tents that can be put up and secured in a matter of minutes (Thank you technology). Some tents these days have separate chambers. One for sleeping, one for relaxing, and even more than a few to accommodate more than two people. It is a changing scene in the outdoor lifestyle and camping has now become some of the best ways to spend vacation time and weekends away. If it were me, I wouldn’t skimp on the tent. That is your legitimate shelter for the duration of your trip. It’s the only thing you and the creepy crawlies from eating you alive too.

Ideal cooking equipment and storage options

When camping, you have to eat; it's one of the many ways you will survive. Some like to go all Bear Grylls and cook over a campfire, which is fine and an experience I am sure, but you can also buy dedicated camping stoves that use small gas canisters or even hook up to an electricity supply if your camping destination has it. These grills can be great life saves and have you cooking up all sorts of wonderful foods. Throwaway BBQ grills are a good idea if you’re tight on space too! I have a George Forman grill that works like a Panini press. Now that I can have Panini’s in the middle of nowhere, I think I can get used to this whole camping thing. 

Planning and meal prep could help.

Just because you’re outside doesn’t mean you can’t break out your favorite BBQ grills recipe for the trip. Planning and meal preparation can be crucial. You may find that your camping location might not have an onsite shop or one close by so if you invest in a fridge cooler from somewhere like 4WD Supacentre you could fill it with ingredients and ready-made meals that require little cooking and prep when camping. These fridge coolers are the industrial type of coolers. They keep things cool, so they work well for other essentials like water and drinks. Crack open a cold one with the boys (or ladies) and enjoy the stars of the night. 

The right sort of company

It takes a particular kind of person to be a camper (AKA trooper). Your partner, your family, your best mates are the people that are with you help you to make the memories. Make sure they’re comfortable with the idea of bare boning it for a bit before making them backpack across the national park.

Even if you’re not a camping person, like moi, I highly encourage you not completely to disregard it. There are ways around your most undesirable outdoorsy aspects. With a little research and effort, you too can enjoy a weekend in the woods. 


  1. No. Just not my thing! But hat's off to those who like it!

  2. Me and nature just don't get along whatsoever but Jordan, I'll give it to ya, I had a split second thought where I thought maybe just maybe glamping could work for me. Hehehehe. But I agree! Having good food and good company really does help. Those two things can get you through just about anything!


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