Freedom Favorites: Cheers to 240 Years

Saturday, July 2, 2016

We the people like to party.
Cheers to 240 years!

The Fourth of July is easily one of my favorite holidays. Surrounded by fireworks, barbecues, and family wearing nothing but swimsuits and sunscreen. This is the heart of summer right here. 

I like to think that back in the 1700s the Founding Fathers celebrated with a drink or two on the 4th. They declared our independence for crying out loud, those men deserve a hamburger and a beer. 

One of these weekends I would love to celebrate on the back end of a boat with the sun in my hair and a drink in my hand, but for these small towns in Wisconsin are doing alright for me. I especially love coming up north for the holiday because the weather allows for some decent firework shows. There is just something about lighting fireworks off the top of a hotel that doesn't quite say "Freedom" to me, but seeing them lit straight off the ground in front of me with a little bit of ash falling on my clothes, that says America. 

So what do I need in order to make this weekend a success?

The perfect outfit

It is time to break out that USA shirt I only wear once a year. I wear it for the 4th, wash it, and hang it up in my closet to be revisited 365 days later. Unless I do some sort of 'Merica political Halloween costume again. You never know; it is an election year. 
I'm kicking myself because I left my cutoffs at home but these light blue denim shorts from H&M are way more comfortable. 

I didn't forget my converse! I never know when an impromptu football game will take place and I don't want to be the chump wearing sandals. 
Maybe John Adams didn't wear a crop top but I'm sure he would be a fan of our efforts. 

An appetite
Calories don't count on holidays. Potato salad, summer salad, baked beans, jello, hamburgers, and hotdogs consume every square inch of the counter. I typically walk out with two plates, judge me. My family is very Pinterest savvy so I will bet my bottom dollar that everyone is going to come with a patriotic dish of some sort. My teeth will be red, white, and blue for a week. 

Swimsuits and caps

I never noticed how well these pieces go together. Plus, I don't want any more red on my face than I already have. 

Extra long sparklers

Fire is not something I play with too often and I think that would upset Sir Benjamin Franklin. I’m totally fine standing on the sidelines while everyone else takes turns lighting off little firecrackers. I'll be in the background spelling my name out with a sparkler and probably attempting to take a cute picture. 

Classic Cocktail Recipes
Summer refreshers, mojitos, and margaritas are all fine and dandy but cracking out some fun, festive cocktails seems a little more appropriate. I like to think I'm making the Founding Fathers proud by indulging in alcoholic beverages.  George Washington spent 7% of his income on whiskey. Clearly, I keep tradition and party like its 1776. 

What can I say? Red, White, and Booze is America's past time. Be safe this holiday and don't forget to go back for seconds. Seriously, it is not a holiday unless you're stuffed. 

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