A Did You Know about Daily Cup of JoJo

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Hey fellow web surfers. My name is Jordan, some call me JoJo, but that's only if you're my mom and no one else. So I guess I should say one calls me JoJo, but The Daily Cup of Jordan doesn't sound as good as JoJo. I'm sure we're all familiar with that saying "A cup of Joe," right? Well, what does it mean?
Did some guy just come in and mix up his introduction with his coffee order "Hi, my name is, I'll have a cup of Joe." Does Joe mean something? Is it an acronym? 

History Lesson: The Origin of "A Cup of Joe"

According to snopes.com, there was this dude name Joseph Daniels who was appointed the secretary of the Navy (I didn't even know that was a legitimate position) by Woodrow Wilson. So we're dating this back to like the early 1900s. Order 99 did not allow alcohol on navy ships, or pretty much any transportation provided by the navy. Coffee was the most reliable thing allowed on board. So it became a little saying out of spite for this Joseph Daniels guy because the testy sailors weren't happy with the sudden prohibition. 

Upon reading this, I named my blog DailyCupOfJoJo because a lot of my posts I write out of spite. The sarcasm reaches an ultimate high in pretty much all of them, and I have no issue with holding my opinion..... and I just thought it had a catchy ring to it.

P.S. this was also my twitter name for the longest time because when I was in high school, it was accessible to like have your surname mixed in somewhere with a saying. I guess it just stuck.

Anyways, here are some more technical concepts implemented on my blog that I think yall should be made aware of. 

There is this little cooling panel at the bottom of each post that allows you to tell me what you think or any comments you had about what I said. You don't even have to tell me what you want to say you can just click these neat little boxes and that'll let me know what you thought! 

Next, we have the comment portion. You can post anonymous comments. If you want to bash every word I just said, please feel free; although I would prefer praise, compliments, and kudos to my work. Just click the little link that says "No Comments" or It'll say "# Comments" and then BAM... this screen right below will pop up. Begin typing.

I like to think of my blog as an online coffee shop in the middle of a library or something hipster like that. Pretend this little comments card is left at the register or on your table. Fill it out! I'm creative, but sometimes I lack, help me out here guys. I need the stuff to write about.

Next, once you scroll past the digital comment card, it'll have a list of months, when you click on a month a drop-down menu will pop up, and you'll see every title of every post for that month. Use these! I hate scrolling through blogs to find a post I like. Here its just a click away.

Lastly, I spent about 10 minutes deciding which buttons I wanted to lead you to my social media, so I expect you to use these! You have easy access to my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and my Amazon store. Let me elaborate on my Amazon store concept because everything else is self-explanatory. My amazon button is a link to amazon, but you're shopping through my store. So if you buy anything (anything at all) buy it through this link. You'll be funding my blogging habits and allow me to upgrade, which will then let me to post more interactive content. Help me to help you.

Also, if you leave me your email address in this little box thingy, you will be notified whenever I post something. I think that's nifty, considering if you've made it to this point in the post I think you're a dedicated fan. Leave me your email!

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