What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do: Christmas and Love Interests

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Hey Vegas, Jordan here and Christmas is not...not yet at least. 

Getting ready for all the Mariah Carey repeats, family coming into town, and if you live where I live a hot desert with no snow to celebrate the giving season. You've made a list but have you checked it twice? I'm going to guess not. Sales are popping up, turkeys are everywhere and Black Friday shopping (although every year you say you're not going) is looking better and better as time goes on. But what do you get that special someone? Are they that special? Maybe they're something old, something borrowed, or something new. Whatever the case may be Holidays are coming up, and you've got to start plotting.

So here's what to do when you don't know what to do: Christmas and Love Interests

"We're talking, " but we haven't had our first date yet. 

Do not stress. Cards are not overrated in this scenario. Maybe attach some Christmas candy in the process. Give them a little Holiday cheer with a sentimental "Hope your (insert holiday here) is full of laughter and memories!" and attach some M&M candy cane or something. Simple and sweet just like your beginning phases.

"We've been on a couple of dates, but were still getting to know each other." 

I'm assuming you've seen their room to pick up on some of their habits. Look back at old conversations you've had and try to see what that other person is missing.  Does she/he have a thing for specialty socks? Get them a pair or two that "remind you of her/him" Something small, like this should not exceed $25. Attach some candy to it too. (Candy is the ultimate wing-man y'all.) This should be more fun, gimmicky, and almost mocking of the other person. Too serious of a gift says "you're too serious" which could end in a disaster.

"It's been like three months now." 

Okay so you met probably at the beginning of school, new semester, new love, I get it. You're seeing each other a couple of days a week, possible stay-overs, you see each other a lot. Still, stick with the "funny" gift idea but maybe get a couple of them. Her/his favorite animal is an antelope, and you had no idea what that even was until you met them. Recreate that memory. If you are sentimental and a romantic get a friendly looking picture and put it in a beautiful frame with some hot chocolate attached to it. Not a so serious photo, maybe one from when you just started dating or his/her favorite photo works as well. If they stay over a lot buy them some fun Christmas pajamas. It will make the other person laugh because it's so ridiculous, but also works as a compliment.

"He's my boyfriend/ She's my girlfriend" 

So it's no secret you're into each other. 6 months or longer is a pretty long time for my day and age. You honestly might have it easier because he or she will feel more comfortable around you they might "hint" as gifts. Let's be real here for a second. You're expected to get gifts. Pay attention to clues, if no clues are given, don't doubt yourself, you know them. Guys: It's not how much you spend, its how creative you get with your gifts. If you got her jewelry last year, do something different this year. Girls: Don't be so serious about your contribution. Get him a laser tag set, something he can do something with; along with something sentimental.

***Unless you're popping the question. I highly suggest you get jewelry for this occasion.***

"They told me they loved me about a week ago."

Ahh, so the words managed to travel from the brain to the mouth. Now it's a little more serious, and your gift should be too. Go for the jewelry. STAY AWAY FROM RINGS. Get him a luxurious watch, get her a dangling necklace. I prefer bracelets or earrings because they're not as serious, but it just depends on your level of a relationship. Don't worry about if your spending too much or too little. You'll gets a vibe from the other person when the topic comes up (because it always does) and go with your gut. Never tell them how much you spend. So what if you found a Micheal Kors wallet for $50 but he spent $260 on your Ugg boots. 

"Were engaged/ We're newlyweds." 

Your fun is you're over getting ties and bathroom travel cases from your girl, and then blenders and some Bath & Bodyworks lotion from your man. #NoShame though. Points for those who are creative with gifts every year.

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