DIY: Google Chrome Theme

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I'm not a very techy person so when I learn something new that I can do with any sort of technology I consider that an accomplishment.I love making things cute and personalized, even if its something as small as your desktop screen or your Google Chrome Theme.
I just taught myself how to change my Google Chrome Theme! It may be something very simple and easy, but it adds a personal touch. You may already know how to do this, or at least have an idea, but have you done it yet? Or did you even think about doing so? I'm guessing not if you're still reading.
If you're anything like me everything has to match. My desktop background is a black and white photo of my boyfriend and I, so naturally I need to have my whole desktop personalized to that.

So, in case you were wondering, here is how you change your theme of your browser (specifially Google Chrome)

1.) Open up your Google Chrome browser

2.) Run your mouse over to the right hand corner and click the three lines for options. Scroll down to "Settings" and tap that.

3.) "Settings" Pops up automatically in a separate tab. Scroll down until you hit the button for "Get Themes" and double click it. 

4.) A ton of different themes will pop up. You can either search (on the left hand side) or browse through and pick one out. When you have one picked out, scroll over it, a cover on the image will pop up and it will (usually) say "Free." Click on the word "Free" and it will take you to your theme.

5.) If you notice, the top of my screen is now Black and Red, which kind of matches my Black and White photo but with a little red thrown in there.  

6.) You have now customized your browser! Go back to your homepage to celebrate!

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