50+ Things You Can Do While Stuck At Home In Quarantine

Friday, April 3, 2020

stuck at home activists for adults, stuck at home activities for kids, indoor activities, quarantine activities, isolation, fun things to do on your own, things to do alone, bored ideas, bored at home, boredom busters,

I'm bored in the house and I'm in the house bored. Okay, so this is our new normal for a little. We are stuck inside, however, it is going to be okay and we can do this together. Some are getting antsy, and perhaps maybe a little bit bored. That is totally normal. I'm hoping I can help you out. Whether you want to accomplish some of those things on your ongoing mental to-do list, or simply wanting to zone out here is a master list of over 50 things to do when you're bored or stuck in quarantine.

  1. Organize the notes on your phone.
  2. Make your own mascara.
  3. Reorganize your closet or your drawers. Tip: Do not do all of your organization projects in one day. It helps to space them out.
  4. Try a new recipe, like this vegetarian taco mac and cheese.
  5. Take on a healthy distraction and earn some extra money through social media
  6. Pitch a tent inside your living room. You can even leave it up. Don't forget the twinkle lights.
  7. Sleep in.
  8. Wake up early.
  9. Clean all of your hair brushes by removing all of the hairs and soaking them in some warm water with shampoo.
  10. Get some vitamin D and lay out in the sun. 
  11. Color code your apps on your phone.
  12. Start a journal or a blog!
  13. Download Duolingo, or a similar app, and teach yourself a foreign language.You know, for when you can travel again.
  14. Make a travel bucket list. Now that you can't go anywhere, where do you absolutely want to go?
  15. Try out your own business for thirty days!
  16. Add some feng shui into your life and reorganize your furniture.
  17. Face masks, moisturizer, oh my! Treat yourself to a 10-step skincare routine you don’t have time for during a normal workweek.
  18. Put together the most attractive charcuterie board possible, but you can only use foods you already have in your fridge and cupboard.
  19. Try on all of your clothes and either sell the ones you don't want on Poshmark or a similar app, or donate to Goodwill.
  20. Listen to the genre of music you donate particularly like, and see if you can find some perspective on it.
  21. Take this beauty quiz and see what beauty products are missing in your life! 
  22. If you have disinfectant wipes to spare, wipe down all of your doorknobs and light switches.
  23. Make yourself a hydration hair cocktail.
  24. Facetime your Mom and your Nana.
  25. Teach yourself how to braid, tie knots, or do string art.
  26. Figure out your Halloween costume.
  27. Invest in some stock before it goes back up.
  28. Drink some water
  29. Do some yoga, if yoga isn't for you, try a meditation. 
  30. Play some games over Zoom! I've seen Zoom flip cup, Jackbox.TV, and paint and wine sessions. 
  31. Bake some bread or pizza dough from scratch.
  32. Practice self-care, on a real level. Like really treat yourself.
  33. Update your LinkedIn profile, as well as your resume!
  34. Endorse your friends and colleagues on LinkedIn as well!
  35. Throw out any old products like makeup, lotions, hairsprays, etc.
  36. Send a card to your grandparents. They love old fashioned gestures.
  37. Make a kick-ass cocktail. Not a Quarantini. Let's do something more creative than that.
  38. Find all of your socks, match them up. If they don't have a match, throw them away. Don't have any matching socks? It looks like it's time to buy some.
  39. Create an Amazon wish list / Holiday list. You know your mom is going to ask what. you want for Christmas, even as an adult.
  40. Go for a walk, like a long walk, and listen to a podcast.
  41. Start a puzzle... maybe even finish that puzzle
  42. Foster a pet or train your pet a new trick
  43. Join in on the TikTok madness.
  44. Learn to paint, draw or practice calligraphy.
  45. Binge watch a series. Now is the time to watch all of those shows you have been meaning to watch.
  46. Get some yard work done
  47. Go live on Facebook or Instagram. Let people see your face. 
  48. Look for your first (or next) tattoo design.
  49. Make a vision board! 
  50. Look for a place to volunteer once this is all over. Connect with a charity.
  51. Research dream careers.
  52. Clean your makeup brushes.
  53. Tune into a TedTalk.
That is all I have for now folks. There might be part two coming if I don't find anything else to do besides these 50 things right here./ What are you and your quarantine buddies up to? How are you staying sane?

Let's chat in the comment below!

stuck at home activists for adults, stuck at home activities for kids, indoor activities, quarantine activities, isolation, fun things to do on your own, things to do alone, bored ideas, bored at home, boredom busters,

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