10 New Things You Can Teach Your Self In Quarantine

Sunday, April 26, 2020

I remember I always wanted to learn how to french braid. I loved seeing all these fancy braid designs with jewels and glitter. Then I would become really sad because I would have to go to a braid bar somewhere in order for me to get my braid fix. I just wanted to be able to get my bangs out of my face and not have to pin them up.

During quarantine, I told myself this was going to change. I had a little extra time in the morning since my commute was cut, and I was going to take that time to learn how to french brain my hair. It took me a couple days, and a few sore arms from keeping my hands in the hair, but NOW I can braid my hair.

This was such an exciting feeling that now I have a learning craving that I want to meet. Here I have compiled a list of videos and blog posts that you can check out that will teach you something.

Anything goes on this page, so feel free to scroll through and find one you like.

Make Your Own Mascara

Check out my blog post on How To Make Your Own Natural Mascara. All of the ingredients are considered essential so you should be able to get them in a timely manner or at your local grocery store!

How to Make Your Own Mascara

How to Get What You Want In Life

Claim anything you want in the universe and it is yours. The power of mindset is a humans greatest weapon. The Secret covers the concept that everything one wants or needs can be satisfied by believing in an outcome, repeatedly thinking about it, and maintaining positive emotional states to "attract" the desire 

Watch The Secret on Netflix

Take up Water Color Painting

"Anyone can paint!" Direct quote from a good friend of mine, so why not give it a try. It is a great way to pass time and extremely relaxing. Turn on some soft music and go st it. The picture above as my first try!

Easy Watercolour Jellyfish

French Braid Your Own Hair

If you've reached this point you know that I was ecstatic when I taught myself how to french braid my hair, and I want you to be to. I used a combination of videos and one tip that really helped was to look at left-handed braiders. It seemed to reverse everything the right-handed braiders were doing and made it easier for me to understand.

I'll let Jenny D take it from here.

How to French Braid Your Own Hair

Make that Whipped Coffe (Dalgona) Everyone has been Talking About

TikTok is trending and so is whipped coffee. The Urben Life has a Dairy-Free Dalgona recipe to make this sweet whipped caffeinated treat from the comfort of your own home.  It takes about 5 minutes with 5 common ingredients, so let's get whisking.

Just Wing It

Finally, figure out how to do winged eyeliner. This is a skill I've always kind of but not really known how to do and now I am taking the time to use XX's video to really solidify this skill. If it sucks, use this Makeup Vanishing Balm and try again.

Learn all Things Social Media

Honestly, I will see you in this course load. These are some valuable peeps sharing prime $$ information. We have access to it for FREE! Social media isn't going anywhere, might as well enhance our time on it. Some of these courses are skills you can add to your resume and set you apart from the stack.

Learn to Take Care of Your Plant That Keeps Dying

I think, secretly, we all want to have a green thumb of sorts. We want to be good moms and dads to our plant babies, but for some reason, they just won't grow. Is it our fault, maybe. Is it the environment's fault, defaulting to it being our fault? Also, maybe. Let's learn to be better plant parents and get our green baby growin'!

Learn a New Language

Okay, maybe not a whole language, but get to know the basics of one. Get off your Candy Crush game and download the app Duolingo. This is an interactive learning app that lets you pick from a plethora of languages to learn. Stimulate your brain with fun games that will teach you a new language along the way!

Make Your Own Rice Milk!

The days of picking between whole milk, skim, milk, or 2% are long gone. The endless options we have now could easily take up an aisle at the supermarket. However, the prices on them can be a little more than what we would typically like to pay for a dairy-free product. Making your own rice milk can be an extremely easy and cost-effective way to add in a new type of milk into your diet and keep your checkbook balanced (do people still do that?).

Even if one of these lessons was not right for you, I hope you feel encouraged and motivated to learn something new! What is something you have been working on? ANy fun skills you have taught yourself?

skills to teach yourself, learn something new, learn something new everyday, learn something new ideas, learn something, how to french braid, how to social media, make rice milk, make mascara

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