The ABC's of Confidence: Tricks to Boost Your Self-Esteem

Saturday, April 25, 2020

How to be confident | How to Boost My Confidence | Confidence Tricks | Confidence Tips | Boosting Self Esteem |

Alexa play Confident by Demi Lavato

If there is one quality which a lot of people wish they could have, it is an increased sense of confidence. Take Blair Waldorf as an example. This upper eastside queen slays because she is so confident in herself.  I'm surprised her picture is not next to the word in the dictionary.  Unfortunately, this doesn’t always feel like the easiest thing to come by so here are 26 things you can do right now to boost your confidence.

How to be confident | How to Boost My Confidence | Confidence Tricks | Confidence Tips | Boosting Self Esteem |

A - Affirmations should be a daily routine that serves as reminders of what you should be focusing on.  

B - Be on time. Respect others time and they will respect yours. 

C - Clear off your desk. Clear off your fridge, your mantel, anything that is causing a minuscule amount of stress, be sure you clean it out. 

D - Dress nicely. Dress up for yourself or for someone else. Whatever gives you that little boost. 

E - Exercise for any amount of time.

How to be confident | How to Boost My Confidence | Confidence Tricks | Confidence Tips | Boosting Self Esteem |

F - Follow through. People respect you when you say you are going to do something and you do it. 

G- Goal setting is a characteristic of highly confident people. Having a clear plan of what you want to achieve is a contagious confidence booster.

H- Haters gonna hate regardless. If you can figure out how to brush off negative comments, like really brush them off, and not let them affect you, you can strut through life in an unstoppable manner. 

I- Inhale... exhale. Doing a few tabletop breaths can relax the mind and put your body in a more confident state. Inhale for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, and exhale for 4 counts, repeat four times.  

J- Jam out! Put on your favorite playlist and jam it out. Whether that is an air guitar while cleaning or hosting your own dance party, let it all out through the beat. Bass heavy music is best for endorphins! 

How to be confident | How to Boost My Confidence | Confidence Tricks | Confidence Tips | Boosting Self Esteem |

K- Kill negative thoughts. They creep up into your mind but you need to shoo them away.

L- Long term thinking is great for goal setting and helping you achieve where you want to go. 

M- #Money. Treat yourself on payday. Even if it is something small like ice cream or a manicure. We all have bills but a little self-indulgence goes a long way. 

N- Nod along. Not only during a conversation to signal you agree, but research shows that nodding your head up and down boosts positive thinking. Give it a try!

O- Remain Open to possibilities. I was always told to go wherever I was invited because you never know who you are going to meet. Having an open mind like that has created such a strong confident personality. 

P-Punctuality will really make you feel on top of the world. 

Q- Queen or King yourself. Make a visualization board. Find things and print out what sparks joy. Put this board in a spot you will see every day!

R- Retail therapy. A good wardrobe sparks an uplifting personality.

How to be confident | How to Boost My Confidence | Confidence Tricks | Confidence Tips | Boosting Self Esteem |

S- Sit up straight. That's it.

T- Follow the two-thirds rule. Hit two out of three when it comes to makeup, hair, and outfits. 

U- Get comfortable being uncomfortable. You grow the most when you are placed out of your norm. Embrace those situations. 

V- Volunteer. You will feel better about yourself instantly knowing you're helping out an organization with their mission. 

W- Wear some fantastic smelling perfume, body spray or cologne. Good smell and confidence are correlating factors. Think of bread that has recently come out of the oven. You trust it will taste great because of the smell. I trust people will do great things when they smell great! 

X- Go the Xtra mile. Give it your all on your next upcoming project or presentation. Put a little bit of YOU into the proposal. People want to connect with other people, not things. Even if your product is a smartphone that never dies and can make unicorns appear, your audience will still want to feel a connection with you in order to connect with this product. 

Y- Yell out. I do this a lot in my head, but it is more effective in my car or into my pillow. Shout out whatever is exciting you or frustrating you. It is a highly effective conscious clearer. 

Z- Zzzz... Get a great night sleep. We are naturally more confident when we feel well rested, but I don't think I had to tell you that one. 

How to be confident | How to Boost My Confidence | Confidence Tricks | Confidence Tips | Boosting Self Esteem |

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