What NOT To Do When Visiting Texas

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

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In 2016, Texas Republicans put forward a bill to secede from the United States. The action was a retaliation to what those in the state saw as the overreach of the federal government and the intrusion into ordinary people’s lives. This is just a hint into what type of place Texas is. 

traveling to Texas | a guide to Texas | San Antonio | Texas things to do | free things to do in Texas | sightseeing in Texas

When most people think of America, some version of Texas pops into their mind. They are the ALL American State, right? To the rest of the world, the U.S. is a place where people pursue individualism and liberty with passion, but Texas is even extra 'American' than the rest of the country, at least to the outside observer.

As you might imagine, people who haven’t been to the states before face a bit of a steep learning curve. While just about anyone from The Western world can fit in rather easily in New York or Los Angeles, adjusting to Texas is a little more complex. So, let’s talk about some things to NOT do while you are in Texas.  

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Do NOT Rely On Public Transport

Texas, like California, is designed almost entirely around the private motor vehicle. There are public transport facilities, but they tend to be concentrated in the downtown areas of the state’s largest cities: Dallas, Houston, and Austin. Elsewhere, you’ll need a truck or a 4x4 to get around. Sorry. Public transport is probably the only thing that is not bigger in Texas!

Do NOT Pick A Hotel At Random

Don’t just type hotel near Surfside Beach into Google and expect to get the results you want. Choosing the right hotel in Texas requires expertise and determination. Not all hotels in the state are up to code, so choose a hotel that is FEMA-approved. Then look at the selection of amenities and if it is near to the location you want to explore. Do some research on the vicinity and make sure it is in a low crime neighborhood. Better to be safe than sorry, because we all know that in Texas everyone and their grandma is packin’!

Do NOT Be Surprised By Beggars

Texas is one of the wealthiest states in the union, thanks to oil capital from the Gulf of Mexico. But that doesn’t mean that everyone is well-off: far from it. If you hit downtown Dallas or Houston, you’ll find all manner of beggars on the street, many asking for drug money. Just be vigilant about who is around you and stay cognizant of your surroundings. Usually, if you don’t bother them, they won’t bother you.

traveling to Texas | a guide to Texas | San Antonio | Texas things to do | free things to do in Texas | sightseeing in Texas

Do NOT Go To Texas During Festival Season

This is strictly for budget reasons. Festivals in Texas tend to be all-consuming and can make the life of the ordinary traveler challenging. One of the biggest events of the year is SXSW, which dominates Austin. People from all over the world flood the city, causing rate hikes at bars and restaurants. Go during the high season, and you’ll end up spending much more than you budgeted for.

Do NOT Get Into A Political Debate

If you’re going to Texas, it’s best to accept it for what it is. Sure, it might offend your highly refined political sensibilities, but that’s the nature of the place and the people. Texans are unapologetic about their desire for freedom and independence and will not like anyone suggesting that bigger government is better. Let Texas be Texas, and you’ll both get on just fine!

traveling to Texas | a guide to Texas | San Antonio | Texas things to do | free things to do in Texas | sightseeing in Texas

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