How To Use Instagram Polls As A Dating Tool

Thursday, February 21, 2019

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Roses are red,
Violets are Blue,
I'm sliding into your DM's,
To say Hi to you!

If there is one thing I have found out about modern-day love it is that DMs are the move, so THIS IS THE TEA. 
Everyone loves a good Instagram poll. Half the time I don't really care what I'm voting on but I want to see what percentage everyone else is voting on. It's fun. They're like little mini social experiments and I am here for it. Okay, so this is how it works.
Instagram polls hold so much power. 

How To Use Instagram Polls As A Dating Tool

If you don't utilize Instagram stories you need to start. More people see your stories than see your Instagram photos (hard fact). They're quick, easy, and take minimal effort on your part (*tap tap tap*). Step one, just start posting on your story. Literally, anything. Instagrams algorithm is based on engagement so the more people that engage with your story, the higher up it moves on your followers feed.

Official Step 1: Post a poll on your story

This could be literally anything. Are you a cat or a dog person? Where should I travel to this year, Tennesee or Georgia? And so on.  It should be simple questions. Do this a few times a week (maybe 2 or three). 

How To Use Instagram Polls As A Dating ToolHow To Use Instagram Polls As A Dating Tool

Step 2: Spice it up a bit.

You can work up to this as you want but the end goal here is to ask a question that will open up your dating pool. You can phrase this however you want because you're posting it and no one needs to know the background behind your question haha. 

Slide one: Preface the situation "My friends and I are trying to settle an argument. Guys, one slide is for you ladies, the slide after is for you. "

Slide two: "Guys, in your twenties, are you looking more for a hookup or for a long term relationship?" Insert the poll options hook-up/long term

Slide three: "Ladies, same questions, in your twenties are you looking for a hookup or for a long term relationship?" Insert the poll options hook-up/long term

Step 3: Filter through the responses

You have now opened yourself up to all the people that you follow and their love life intentions. If you are looking for a hookup or a long term relationship you know who is in the same playing field as you. Weed out the ones that are not your sexual orientation or in a relationship (no one likes a homewrecker) and you now have a finalized list of potential peeps you could set yourself up with.

How To Use Instagram Polls As A Dating Tool

Step 4: Start popping up on your picks feed

Respond to their Instagram stories in a cute and casual manner. For example, if they post a picture of a puppy just write back how adorable it is. Or if they post a bomb looking meal ask them for a review.  Comment on their photos and like what they post. Get your name to pop up on their feed. Even if they don't respond to the first one or two times, keep trying. That just might mean they aren't comfortable with you yet.

Step 5: Slide into the DMs for real. 

Respond to something they post (story or actual post) in their DMs and start a conversation. "That photo you just posted looked like so much fun, where was this?" The conversation goes on and you can eventually invite them out to try said event or coffee to discuss the said fun event. It's a stretch of a segway but it gets you in the playing field. 

We already spend more than enough time on the platform so we might as well make use of it. Tinder ain't got nothing on our love lives now. Forget swiping and get to typing.

I'd love to hear your insight on this. Do you think Instagram could be used as a dating tool? Let's chat in the comments below.

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