39 Self-Care Ideas For People Who Aren't Really Into Self-Care But Want To Be

Thursday, February 28, 2019

39 Self-Care Ideas For People Who Aren't Really Into Self-Care But Want To Be

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Self-care isn't all facemasks and bath bombs. Even if you're not drawn to massages or wine and bath time, there are still self-care practices out there for you. When we keep ourselves busy at home and at work, we tend to temporarily brush aside any worries and concerns we have over our well being and general health. We tend to lead increasingly busy lives, and put aside niggly pains and aches, which often ends up making the problem worse. Our mental health gets the back burner a lot of the time and its time you put a stop to it.

It is weird how if you had an ongoing problem with your leg you would go see a doctor and get it checked out, BUT when it comes to some sort of mental health issue, such as a reliance on alcohol, we are an awful lot more reluctant to visit alcohol treatment centers. It is ridiculous how we don't seem to value our mental health as much as our physical health.

BTW, I 100% recommend putting your phone down for any of these activities. Really embrace this act of self-love you are providing yourself.  

1. Draw yourself a bath... (okay now that that is out of the way)

2. Color in a coloring book

3. Meal prep, cook or bake

4. Refill your water bottle or bring two so you'll always have it handy

5. Go for a 10-minute walk around your office or neighborhood. Pay attention to the breeze and air 

39 Self-Care Ideas For People Who Aren't Really Into Self-Care But Want To Be

6. Practice good sleep hygiene and follow a regular sleep schedule or avoid caffeine late at night

7. On that same note, turn your phone off before bed. We all have enough screentime during the day

8. Make your bed so you can come home to an inviting space (bonus if you put clean sheets on your bed) 

9. Do a three-minute meditation at your desk

10. Do your dishes before bed so you can wake up to a clean kitchen

11. Wear something that makes you feel good, like fun pants, bright colors or a bowtie

39 Self-Care Ideas For People Who Aren't Really Into Self-Care But Want To Be

12. Make a credit card payment

13. Eat some damn chocolate

14. Sip on some wine and allow yourself to watch one episode of your current binge

15. Marie Kondo your closet. PURGE PURGE PURGE!

39 Self-Care Ideas For People Who Aren't Really Into Self-Care But Want To Be

16. Get rid of your alarm clock and wake up to a fun yoga practice (I promise, it's much more soothing)

17. Blast your fave Avril Lavigne song on your way home

18. Put on the softest pants you own. Or socks, or slippers. Just get COZY!

19. Try Scent Therapy. If you don't buy into this, that's cool, but I am 👏 here 👏 for 👏 aromatherapy👏

20. Look up dog pics on Instagram #puppygram

21. Get yourself some quartz and moonstone for some calming vibes and new beginnings. Crystal collecting can be a very soothing hobby

39 Self-Care Ideas For People Who Aren't Really Into Self-Care But Want To Be 

22. Get up and refill that water bottle. Stay hydrated

23. Try some easy stretches. I cradle the back of my head with my hands and push back. Its great for texting muscles

24. Brag about something you're awesome at on social media. The world could use a reminder that you're rad

25. Get out of your head. You new identify is Felicia. You just moved here from Montana and you love creating silver jewelry for your new Etsy shop. Try it out, it could be fun

26. Make a self-care kit. Prepping for self-care has to be therapeutic in itself

27. Flail around your room in a super fuzzy robe while drinking tea from your favorite mug

39 Self-Care Ideas For People Who Aren't Really Into Self-Care But Want To Be

28. Eat pita chips and hummus

29. Dye your hair. Commit to that change

30. Build a blanket fort and keep it up as long as you want

39 Self-Care Ideas For People Who Aren't Really Into Self-Care But Want To Be

31. Spray some rose water on your face and handle it

32. Use this Berry Scrub on your whole body

33. Are you drinking water? 

34. Wear satin anything

39 Self-Care Ideas For People Who Aren't Really Into Self-Care But Want To Be

35. Avoid over thinking

36. Do not compare yourself to others

37. Remember that you are NEW everyday

38. Find something super soft and rub it on your face (pets count)

All of us experience stress at one point or another in our lives - a busy period at work, or if we are going through some personal difficulties, but when it begins to take over your whole life, it is time to consider helping yourself out.

If you can, ditch anything that is a drain on your life. Surround yourself with positive people and objects that make you feel happy. Be aware that social media can leave people feeling inadequate and stressed, so if you feel like something or someone is not helping, get rid of it/them.

self care routine, self care tips, self care products, self care checklist, morning routine, nightly routine,


  1. These are all such great ideas! I'll do some of these this weekend!

  2. Tonight is going to be a great night to pick a couple of things and relax. Thanks for all the great suggestions.

  3. I want to do every single one of these! Awesome post SC Sister!

  4. These are all great and easy tips! Love them!

  5. Thank you very much for this great post. Self care


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