5 Foods and Drinks That Are Surprisingly Good For You

Saturday, February 2, 2019

5 Foods and Drinks That Are Surprisingly Good For You
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Hows your January health kick going? Still hitting the gym 3 or 4 times a week? Still spending less time on your phone? Still taking the time to plan, prepare and cook more delicious meals? Of course, you are. By keeping your goals intact this long you are doing better than over 30% of people who make New Years Resolutions. But while you continue to blaze a trail of good health and probably have a fridge full of meal preps to least you throughout the week (or if you're like me a Pinterest board full of recipes to try!), even the most disciplined can get bored with the same meals day in and day out. When we get bored that's when we start to break away from our hard-earned habits. 

Be sure to add in foods that you like and variety as well. Some foods that you have probably sworn off at the start of the new year as ruinous to your health might find surprisingly healthy. 

White Wine

5 Foods and Drinks That Are Surprisingly Good For You
Image from: Pexel

Oh yes. Return to your glass of wine with dinner habits because white wine (much like red wine) is just as rich in antioxidants. A study by the University of Barcelona revealed that the phenols present in white wines actually had equal or even higher antioxidant levels to its blushing counterpart. Move over red wine, you're not all you are corked up to be. Enjoy in moderation.


5 Foods and Drinks That Are Surprisingly Good For You
Image from:Pexel

Eggs have gotten a bad rep over the years by the medical professionals because they are high in cholesterol. Every bodybuilder I've talked to has eggs as their main meal, sometimes a dozen at a time. None have ever complained about their cholesterol levels rising. Maybe they're born with it, maybe its the pre-workout. Anyways, eggs are a quick and easy source of protein and healthy fats. As long as you avoid intensively farmed eggs laid by miserable hens and may contain hormones and pesticides, you can definitely incorporate eggs into your daily meals. Organic free range eggs laid by happy healthy hens are delicious and nutritious. 

Dark Chocolate

5 Foods and Drinks That Are Surprisingly Good For You
Image from: Pexel

Okay, I don't think this is a myth of any sort. There are a lot more articles posting about how dark chocolate isn't loaded with the same amounts of excess sugars and milk that many commercially available chocolates contain. Good quality dark chocolate is made with at least 70% cocoa and is surprisingly healthy. It is rich in antioxidants, full of fiber, loaded with vitamins and minerals. It can actually help lower cholesterol (if you're still worried about eggs). 


5 Foods and Drinks That Are Surprisingly Good For You
Image from: Pexel

You are what you eat, right? Many of us have grown up thinking that carbs are the devil, and they are when they are deep fried in oil. The truth is, just like fats, not all carbs are created equal. Potatoes have a range of health benefits. Not only do they contain important potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, they're also loaded with amino acids, the building blocks of protein. 


5 Foods and Drinks That Are Surprisingly Good For You
Image from: Pexels

A lot of accusations have been thrown at soy. It's been said that soy raises estrogen levels which raises the risk of breast cancer. However, many of these risks come from consuming GMO soy or heavily processed soy products. The truth is that soy is an excellent lean protein source, can help lower cholesterol (those eggs coming back again) and can even lower your risk of osteoporosis and some cancers. See more here for more on soy risks and benefits here.

So work these surprisingly healthy foods and drank into your meal plans. Give your body and your taste buds a treat. After all, it's been 30 days, you've earned this!

5 Foods and Drinks That Are Surprisingly Good For You


  1. Maybe I'll try eating more fresh potatoes!


  2. Thank goodness I love all these things. I honestly don't know too much about soy so thanks for inspiring me to do my research on what I'm putting in my body!
    xo b


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