An Instagram Caption Gone Rogue

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hi, just a reminder to do things that make you happy + spend time with people that make you happy + go the places that make you happy. Life’s too short to not fill it with things that make you happy. Okay, bye.

This is the caption I put on my Instagram profile a few days ago. This is also the shortened version of what I wrote because there was so much more to be said but was way too long for a "normal" Instagram caption length.

I posted this photo and was in the process of trying to come up with a punny caption, as per usual, and nothing was coming to mind. Then I started to second guess if I should post it. What's so unique about it? Its a photo taken from my car window, probably while driving (sorry, mom). There is no skill here; there is no meaning except that it genuinely made me happy to look at. What's not to love? Its a beautiful scene of my hometown. 

Instead of trying to come up with some catchy caption, I started resonating on why this photo made me feel so much joy. The thoughts kept flowing, and I started typing what I was feeling and before I knew it I had what was WAY too long for a caption on Instagram. I was about to delete it all when I remembered I have a whole freakin website dedicated to my thoughts. *facepalms* and it made me think about this saying I read about a while back. 

“Do what you want because at the end of the day you only have your own happiness.”

One more time for the people in the back. “Do what you want because at the end of the day you only have your own happiness.” How freakin’ spot on is that mess of words. Life is too short for you to work, make a little bit of money, acquire some debt, and die. If at the end of the day you are not genuinely happy with you and your choices then you are not doing stuff for yourself, you're doing it for others.

If you read anything in this post at all, it is the paragraph right above this line.

This photo has nothing to do with anything except for me.  A rainstorm had just passed, I had accomplished a lot throughout the week and was feeling good about who I am as a person. I think a lot of us get lost in the fact that we have to keep up appearances that we are all "living our perfect lives," me included, but it is essential for us to do what makes us happy.  Live your best life on your terms.

I want to throw out a reminder to do things that make you happy + spend time with people that make you happy + go the places that make you happy. Life’s too short to not fill it with things that bring you joy. There is so much pressure to go to work, go home, make a little bit of money, check your credit score, grow old and lose your hearing. Focus on your opportunities, chances, hobbies, relationships, and genuine happiness. They always say enjoy the simple things, and that is what I am doing with this photo. This photo has no craft, but I enjoy it so much. I also enjoy writing, seeing my family, meditating, drinking scotch, and petting my pup's ears. My life brings me joy. 

We can't put so much focus on the pressures of life, following timelines, and aspects of life that are honestly hard. Working out is hard for me. I will never be the person who "loves the gym" but I will be the person that loves feeling healthy and a challenge. The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from everyday things. So, again, here's a reminder to do things that make you happy + spend time with people that make you happy + go the places that make you happy. Life’s too short to not fill it with things that bring you joy.

Tell me something that brings you joy in the comments below. I love aligning my joys with others.

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