Halloween 101: Candy Corn Cupcakes

Sunday, October 11, 2015

If you're like me, Halloween kickstarts your favorite time of the year. The leaves start falling, cinnamon becomes a prominent flavor at every cafe, and you begin to take your scarves out of storage.  Halloween also brings out the Martha Stuart in me because any other time of the year you can't even get me to look at an oven.

I purchased my 4th bag of candy corn yesterday and we are only 10 days into October. Needless to say, I have an appetite for orange, yellow, and white triangular candies. Those candies sparked an inspiration. Okay, kind of. I saw a photo on Pinterest and wanted to copy it but none the less I have created candy corn cupcakes! They're super simple and festive for any occasion.


1 Box White cake mix--> and then those necessary ingredients 
1 Can White frosting (cream cheese or vanilla are my faves)
1 Box of food dyes (red, yellow)
Cup cake liners
Festive sprinkles (I used orange)
1 Bag of candy corn ( I like the autumn mix)

Step one: 

Mix all the cake box ingredients together and whisk until all the clumps are out.

Step two:

Separate the batter halfway into two bowls.

Step Three:

Get your food coloring out!
For yellow: 8 drops of yellow or until desired color
For orange: 4 drops red, 7-8 drops of yellow is what I did. 
Do more or less for your desired color.
Whip that around a bit for evenness. 

Step Four:

Fill the cupcake liner 3/7 of the way with yellow batter. Do this for all liners. Then fill 2/7-3/7 more with orange batter. They are weird fractions, I know but you don't want too little and you don't want too much. Do not stir the colors together, let them settle.

Clearly, no mess = no stress in this household haha. 

Step Five:

350 degrees for 22 minutes

Step Six:

Cool them. Either let them sit out or, if you are impatient like me, put them on a plate in the freezer.

Step Seven: 

Frost your cupcakes! 
It helps if you have some sort of frosting tool for aesthetic purposes and add your decorations.

Step Eight:

Enjoy your festive Halloween goodie!

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