Why Taylor Swift Needs 8 Semi's for her 1989 World Tour

Monday, May 18, 2015

"8 semi-trucks were needed for Taylor Swift's concert tonight. Eight! They had to shut down like two streets to get them all in there."
That’s what my dad told me as I came downstairs after getting ready to leave for the pop weekend of Rock in Rio, Las Vegas. 

Whoa. Talk about a girl that comes with a lot of baggage. Eight semi trucks?! I don't even know what I could fill one truck with.

Let me tell you. Taylor Swift was one of the best performers I have ever seen, especially for a music festival. Granted, I haven't seen that many concerts so I do not have a lot to compare with, but my standards are higher because of her show.

The only sucky thing about admission is the fact that there are no seating assignments and the crowd is a free-for-all. Wall to wall, there were bodies and then some stragglers pushing their way in to get closer to the stage. It's not an ideal situation, but it's how they pack the crowds. 

Upon seeing her perform, I could understand why she would need eight semi-trucks. They're not all for her they're for her fans. 

Semi-truck Number 1: Runway Necessities

Her stage was a runway that seemed to be about 80 feet long. Not only did she rock the runway but her track lifted up into the air and rotated. The whole crowd got to feel as if they were in the front row. What a way to dedicate your life to your fans as your performing 60 feet up in the air them.

Semi Truck Number 2: Lighting Props 

Shanon's favorite song is "How you Get The Girl" which she set just made that song all the more amazing. It seemed like she was going for a 50s Tron theme. The dancers had umbrellas that lit up, and Taylor's whole outfit lit up as well! Oh, did I mention the whole stage lit up too?


Semi Number 3: A Wardrobe to put the audience through Shock and Awe

 Taylor Swift is flawless. She has to be a bionic woman like she is perfect in every way. Oh, and she is two steps away from Beyonce's level of fierce. Get it, girl! She came out in a bright royal blue, metallic, skirt, black sparkly crop top, and a silver sequined jacket, with black sparkly shoes. That was my favorite outfit. That wasn't her only outfit though! She had a mixture of two piece crop top shindigs. They're worth looking up.

Semi-truck Number 4: Pyrotechnics

I think my favorite was towards the end of the show when Taylor went through some of her "bad girl" songs. "I Knew You Were Trouble" and "Bad Blood." There was fire, and T. Swift came out in this sexy all leather pantsuit. I loved it, and so did the crowd. OH, and we can’t forget the firework show before her show started and during the Shake It Off finale!

Semi-truck Number 5: Instruments

Miss Swift played many of her instruments. She handled two guitars (electric and acoustic) and her keyboard(s) as well. Her back up band had many instruments to shift through too. This included a bass, drums, more guitars, and keyboards as well. This eight piece band set accompanied Taylor on stage and helped bring her album to life with their backup singing and instruments.

Semi-truck Number 6: Strong Team of Dancers

While Taylor Swift is busy swinging her hips and moving her lips, her team of skilled cutie pies is telling her story behind her. These twelve fellows danced all around the stage and her with and did just as many costume changes. If I were Calvin Harris I'd watch out, she's got some studs on tour with her.

Semi-truck Number 7: The Story

Born in Nashville in 1989, Taylor Swift headed to the Big Apple to catch her dreams of changing people's lives through music. She demonstrates her passion for music and life through her words. She discusses how she has had her heart broken, but Swift also discovers how independent she can be as a woman. Her whole concept is for you not to feel alone, and that other people are going through the same issues too.

Semi-truck Number 8: The Fierce Confidence

The amount of confidence this girl has is unlimited. She walked don't hat runway as if she owned it, probably because she does, but that is beside the point. The crowd was drawn to her. From her beginning song of "Welcome to New York" to her finale of "Shake-It-Off" TSwift has transformed her once hometown country girl attitude into the newest pop sensation. 

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