May The Fourth Be With You: A Slight Obsession

Monday, May 4, 2015

First off! What is May 4th? May the Fourth Be With You? What does this all mean?

It's the 124th day of the year: True, but not where we are going with this.

Say "May the fourth be with you" out loud and you will hear the pun Star Wars fans are raving about on this particular day.

According to Wookieepedia yes, it's a real thing, May 4th is often known as Star Wars Day. It is jokingly said as MAY the FOURTH be with you, AKA May the force be with you. It's a Jedi thing. Typical activities include Star Wars Movie Marathons, Jedi lightsaber fights, and Star Wars themed gaming may occur as well.

May has always been Star Wars territory because all of the previous films debuted in May the year they were released.

Anyways, in light of the Star Wars Day spirit, some stores that sell memorabilia and special merchandise offer promotions and sales on this particular day. May 4th is the day to show your geeky side without being judged. Even Disney counts May 4th as a holiday. Yes, DISNEY. (I would hope they would do that, considering they own the series now...)

On May 4th Disney throws a party in honor of the galaxy far far away.  The May the Fourth be With You is a holiday party for the whole family where people can meet characters, collect limited merchandise, dance in the dark,  and watch an exclusive firework display at the end of the day.

All I'm excited about is the merchandise opportunities. It's the week before finals so, unfortunately, I couldn't make the trip, but that won't stop me from picking up some sweet sales to add to my already obsessive collection. Hello, online shopping.

Now for the slight obsession. In honor of the National Holiday (at least in my mind) I am going to demonstrate my R2D2 memorabilia collection. Some of you understand my favorite character quirks, but some of you might look at me differently now seeing my true colors. 

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