Daily Cup of JoJo Top Blog Post Round Up

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Daily Cup of JoJo Top Blog Post Round Up

Alright friends. So I've been taking this blogging thing a little more seriously this past year. Not TOO seriously because blogging is still just a hobby for me but semi-seriously so I'm actually giving my audience what they want.

Believe it or not, all of you inspire the blog posts I write.
I'm typically writing because I've been asked a genuine question (or sometimes I over here genuine questions... inspiration is everywhere right?) or a real concern has been brought to my attention. I have become very fond of putting myself out there. I'll try anything once and I'll probably write about it later.

With that being said, here are Daily Cup of JoJo's top blog posts for the year 2018!

10. 3 Books Every Girl Should Read That Vibes With "Block His Number And Enjoy Your Summer" 

3 Books Every Girl Should Read That Vibes With "Block His Number And Enjoy Your Summer"

Let me start this off by telling you about me. I am an educated 24-year-old with a great start to my career, strong family support, fantastic and fun-loving friends and complete confidence in who I am. I associate with the millennial culture in more aspects than I am willing to admit, I struggle with my sense of beliefs and find myself questioning if I am too old or too young to be doing something meaningful with my life. Alongside that, I am a people pleaser with a tendency to suffer in silence.

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9. I Got A Brazilian Wax And Now I'm Never Shaving Again

 I Got A Brazilian Wax And Now I'm Never Shaving Again

Summer is on its way in which means hair is on its way out. We can only hibernate for so long until the bikini HAS to make an appearance. I'm still trying to figure out why our bodies produce so much hair in all these uncomfortable places. Like, come on, the hooha area, seriously? I'd like to share my complaints with the big man upstairs, but until then, it's an issue us ladies all have to deal with.

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8. The Cheaters Guide to Rocking a Hangover  

The Cheaters Guide to Rocking a Hangover

Okay, so, you drank a lot. No shame, but now it's time to pay up because your body is so not thriving right now. You would rather eat peanut butter off a homeless man's foot than go to work today. What are your options?

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7. Save Your Sanity With These Short Weekend Trip Ideas

Save Your Sanity With These Short Weekend Trip Ideas

Tired of lounging on the sofa scrollin' through your Netflix options after you already know theirs nothing good on? LOL not really it doesnt hurt to have options. If you are looking for a way to escape from the house this weekend, there are plenty of different things you can do. It is good for the soul and it will give you and your travel buddies the chance to spend some quality time together in a different environment, so pack your bags kids, were headed out!

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6. Finding 10 Minutes In The Day For Yourself When You JUST Don't Have Time

Finding 10 Minutes In The Day For Yourself When You JUST Don't Have Time

Is your life extremely busy? Are you always working, commuting or running around after kids? Do you spend all of your spare time taking care of your partner, children or other family members? Are you always offering your time to those that need it? This is great. It’s awesome looking after people, it can make a very real difference to people’s lives and can keep your home life going. But, taking a little time for yourself is essential if you want to keep going for everyone else.

5. The Morning After Is So Underrated And Here's Why

The Morning After Is So Underrated And Here's Why

You probably think this post is going to be about the habits of a one night stand, but I'm here to tell you, you're wrong. This one is for the girls. The girlfriends that drink together stay together... at least they should. The real test of friendship comes the morning after a night out.

4. Dental Hygiene Tricks From The Girl Who Graduated in Cavities

Dental Hygiene Tricks From The Girl Who Graduated in Cavities

Coming from the girl who aspired to be a singing dentist as a child, I was dealt a really crappy hand in the game of teeth. I'm playing the cards I'm dealt and let me tell you if I could fold on my teeth, I would. I would've never even sat down at the table.

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3. I Got Rid Of My Alarm Clock And Started Using This App

I've come to the conclusion I do not like alarm clocks. They are the freaking worst. This is 2018 for crying out loud. Why are we still waking up to an obnoxious BEEP BEEP BEEP sound that doesn't start anybody's day off right? It's been more annoying because I'll hit snooze 14 times before I actually move. Waking up on the right side of the bed is so, so important for a productive day and it just WAS NOT happening with my alarm clock. I've recently retired my alarm clock and found a better and more energizing way to get my day started.

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2. The Key Superfoods You Should Definitely Add To Your Diet ASAP

The Key Superfoods You Should Definitely Add To Your Diet ASAP

Ever been stuck in that rut of weight loss or fitness goals that you just can’t seem to get passed? Same. I’ve been trying to fit back into my Lucky Jeans Lolita Skinny’s from two years ago and I just can’t seem to get the booty into them jeans. I had to ask myself, WHAT GIVES?!

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And the number one post...

1. 18 Dan + Shay Lyrics That Will Inspire Your Instagram Captions This Summer

18 Dan + Shay Lyrics That Will Inspire Your Instagram Captions This Summer

Dan and Shay are at it again. As if their albums Where It all Began and Obsessed weren't heart-gripping enough, Dan + Shay's new release will inspire any and every photo you take with your significant other this summer. We got somewhat of a sneak preview of the newly released album with Tequila so you know the rest are going to be awe-inspiring.
If you're like me and you struggle to get that prime caption for your one of a kind Instagram photo, let Dan + Shay do the work for you. Pop one of these majestic chords into your caption and you'll be home summer free!

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Let me know your favorite blog post (doesn't have to be mine, but if it is i'll gladly blush) and I'll give it a read! Comment below! 

1 comment

  1. You can carry it anywhere you go. In addition to this benefit, you will not to provide batteries to power this alarm clock. digital alarm clock


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