Kickstart Your Semester: Prepare for Spring 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Well, winter break lasted about two minutes. All of a sudden my e-mail is being flooded with payment plans and course syllabus. If that doesn't say Spring is starting then I don't know what does. The start of a new semester can be extremely motivating, though. The turn of a new leaf. If you're like me you'll tell yourself "This is going to be the semester I get straight A's," and then get to midterms and settle for that C or B. I'm trying to change that this time around, so I'm getting a jumpstart on my semester. This is how I am going to prepare for my best semester.

Get organized
I'm really good about writing down due dates, deadlines, and events but it's the little assignments that tend to slip by me. Discussion posts and reading assignments are not top priority to me because they are  smaller amounts of points, not that that is an excuse. Write down all of your HARD deadlines such as tests, and then write down all of the smaller assignments you will need to complete as well. I recommend only writing the smaller assignments up until about March just incase the class falls behind or something gets scraped from the lesson plan. That way your planner isn't all discombobulated. Work smarter not harder right?
Optional: Color-coding is a useful technique when living a busy life. Deciphering between work, school, and social activities, can get kind of messy. Give each one a color that way you can psychologically prioritize what is most important.

Buy Your Textbooks 
No more sliding by without buying the book (or renting). New semester, new rules! Buy the book and use it! Don't stall either. If you're sitting here reading this and you have not ordered your textbooks let me help you out. Here is the link to Chegg and Amazon. Get crackin'!  There are tons of questions at the back of each chapter that can be super helpful for tests.

Set Goals
I'm not saying "get good grades" or "go to class." Set a goal that will matter to you. Something that is specific and attainable.  "I want to get at least 3 A's in my course load this semester." Figure out ways to achieve those goals whether it is setting up a study session, talking to your professors, or not hitting the snooze so you wake up on time.

Buy Supplies that Motivates You
Nothing feels better than starting off the semester with a fresh pad of paper or a slick pen. Find what you like and buy it. You are more likely to use something that peaks your interest, which can be very beneficial when in a lecture hall. I personally really enjoy Typo's stationary and office supplies, so that is my weakness.

We are all college students and we are in this together. Plan your snack and eating schedule at the beginning of the week. Don't spend your rent on Subway because you forgot you had $200 worth of groceries at home. Space out your splurges.

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