Holiday Hacks: Travel Tips for those Holidays Trips

Friday, December 11, 2015

There is no time like the holidays. It might be the giving time of year but it is also the busiest time of the year. People are coming and going in all different directions, which can cause a little more than chaos in the airport. There are long lines, weather delays, and little missteps along the way. Avoid as much of the turmoil as possible by following these airport holiday hacks.

  • Be at the airport two hours in advance.

Don’t try to skate by with an hour left to boarding and expect to get to your gate on time and still have to go through security and ticketing. You will encounter long lines and you will be behind travelers who only travel during the holidays and don’t have a clue what is going on. It is worth waking up a little earlier to avoid the anarchy.

  • Use your phone

Smart phones are a miracle in disguise for traveling. Use your passbook so you’re not shuffling papers around and use Maps to find the most convenient route to your destination. Keep everything in one spot. Your mind will be at ease and your airport agents will thank you.

  • Take an Emergen-C or Airbourne 
These help with strengthening your immune system and preventing you from getting sick. Planes are enclosed pieces of machinery, so you are not going anywhere. Protect yourself by preparing with prevention! Don’t forget to take some along with you for the way home too!

  • Be present at the TSA checkpoint

When it is your turn to get your ID checked or your bag, be present in the moment. Pay attention. Drop your conversation for the 5 minutes it’ll take you to get x-rayed. Have your ID ready, prepare to take out all of your electronics, take your shoes off, and have your liquids out in a Ziploc bag.  You may be in a hurry but appear to be patient and the agents might work with you.

  • Take advantage of delayed or cancelled flights

This is the time to bat those long eyelashes or use that charm. You need to get to your destination, but clearly that’s not happening right now. The ticketing booth is bombarded with angry customers but if you’re looking for a little bit of an upgrade this would be a good time to ask, in the nicest way possible. “I have a middle seat and I was wondering if I could get that changed to a window or an aisle seat?” There might’ve been some cancellations and they could bump you up to premium or first class just because you were the first nice person they had seen in a while.

  • Don’t put wrapped gifts in your carry on

TSA might have to unwrap the gift if anything suspicious pops up. Buy wrapping when you get to your destination to make your life and the TSA agents life a little easier.


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