9 Things You Say To Your Bartender That You Also Say To Your Starbucks Barista

Thursday, September 6, 2018 1912 Pike Pl, Seattle, WA 98101, USA

Sometimes I talk to my Starbucks barista the same way I would talk to my bartender.

There is definitely a difference between ordering a drink and then ordering a drank but for whatever reason, I use the same lingo. It just dawned on me that what I say to my bartender definitely aligns with that I say to my barista.

1. "Make it super strong for me, I've got a long day."

I'm going to need a lot of booze to handle this shit. 9 Things You Say To Your Bartender That You Also Say To Your Starbucks Barista

Are we talking a heavy pour on coffee or liquor? The world may never know

2."I'll take a double."

9 Things You Say To Your Bartender That You Also Say To Your Starbucks Barista -Give me all the shots!

Yes, yes I will.  Double shots of espresso are poisonous but a double jack and coke can be just as lethal,  am I right?

3. "The usual, please."

Is it better that my barista knows my name and order because I'm a frequent flyer or my bartender?

4. "Can you make me something sweet?"

When you ask the bartender to make you something sweet. 9 Things You Say To Your Bartender That You Also Say To Your Starbucks Barista

I don't know what I want. You're the crafts(wo)man here! Help a sista out.

5. "Go light on the ice please"

9 Things You Say To Your Bartender That You Also Say To Your Starbucks Barista - When you ask for light ice at starbucks

Yes, I want as much flavor as possible, not watered down dreams.

6. "What can you make me that's strong?"

9 Things You Say To Your Bartender That You Also Say To Your Starbucks Barista - Extra strong coffee please

Whoa, stand down heavy hitter, it's 9:00 a.m.

7. "Whats the craftiest drink you've ever made?"

9 Things You Say To Your Bartender That You Also Say To Your Starbucks Barista - When your drink order is so ridiculous

"I'll have a trenta no foam, five-shot, half-caff, no foam, pumpkin spice latte with no foam at 210 degrees"

8. "What's that drink with the liquid and the ice?"

9 Things You Say To Your Bartender That You Also Say To Your Starbucks Barista - When you don't know what is in your drink

I had this drink once but I don't remember the ingredients, can you make it?

9. "Can you put extra fruit in my drink?"

9 Things You Say To Your Bartender That You Also Say To Your Starbucks Barista - Bartender meme

No, this isn't a buffet.

The more I read this, the more I realize how annoying of a customer I am. My apologies Starbucks baristas and bartenders. Maybe I should've called this "To All The Bartenders and Baristas I've Loved Before." Now I need a drink....

Daily Cup of JoJo Blog

Daily Cup of JoJo: 9 Things You Say To Your Bartender That You Also Say To Your Starbucks Barista


  1. Haha! This is too funny! I'll take a double is my favorite.


  2. Oh, this is funny! And now, I'm craving a drink!

    - Amanda

  3. Hahaha oh my gosh I was cracking up at these! Especially number 5 because I’ve definitely been there!

    Xo Logan


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