Christmas Traditions: Now an Adult Forever a Kid

Saturday, December 16, 2017

I think each family has a tradition of their own they see through each Christmas season. Sometimes you don't even realize it is a tradition until you no longer partake in it.

As I was putting up my Christmas tree, I realized some habits I did without understanding why I did them other than the justification I've always done it like this. Some families bake cookies, some get pajamas on Christmas Eve, and some gather around the piano and sing Christmas songs. None of those are my family traditions though. A few of them have changed a bit over the years, but the gist of them is still present. When I have a dog someday, I plan to pass down these traditions as well. Keep them in the family, yenno?

My longest lasting Christmas tradition is the annual signing of the tree box. Ever since I was a little tot, my parents would always have me sign the Christmas tree box and date it the day we put it up. It was neat seeing my signature evolve over the years from what was a scribble to a defined, carefully placed cursive signature. So when I went to put up my Christmas tree, I signed my name, on my box and at 23 I realized this is a Nelson holiday tradition. Fake trees can provide a little magic too haha.  tree box signing

So an orange walks into a stocking...

Getting an oddball item in my stocking was not uncommon in the Nelson household. It all started with an orange. The last thing I remember pulling out of my stocking was an orange. I don't even like oranges, well I didn't, were on the same page now, but I did like that I could always count on it being there. That orange slowly turned into a can of olives for some odd years, and then I started getting a toothbrush and other various items. Santa has a sense of humor.  Each year it would flip-flop, but I could always count on having an orange, a can of olives, or even a toothbrush by the fireplace. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire are overrated anyways.

One gift on December 24th is a typical family tradition so I enjoy that we have one "normal" tradition that I can explain to my friends. This started at a very young age. We would go to Christmas Eve service, come home and be allowed to open one gift. My brother and I would plead and beg to open one more (sometimes that is still true), but we only ever open one.

Most recently our stocking tradition has had a bit of a changeup. Santa has his work cut out for him, so my family tries to lighten the load and take care of stuffing the stockings, so he doesn't have to. In true las vegas fashion, it's the luck of the draw. We draw names out of a hat and as long as no one gets themselves

It's always fun hearing Christmas traditions. Especially when there is no rhyme or reason as to why they exist.  Some traditions have been passed down for generations; others are newly started with hopes to continue.

What are your holiday traditions? Old and new.

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