Time to WINE Down: A Recap

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hello, it's me...

It's been a minute since I've posted anything so let's play catch up.

School is taking a toll on my life right now. I graduate in about 40 days and some days I feel I have my life in order and some I feel as if I need another 4 years to figure it out. I got my graduation announcements about a week ago (que Bobby Shmurda song) and I've done absolutely nothing with them. I should probably send those out.

Recently, I found out my body plays ticks on me. It thinks it can pull three all-nighters in a week but then BAM, I was so winded I slept for an entire weekend. I promise I am not an insomniac of any sort.

All-nighter #1: I had a law test and I needed to get at least an 80% on it otherwise I will jeopardize my graduation.  Let me set the background a little bit. This is my second law class I have taken in my life and it is a 400 (out of 400) level class. It's "basic hospitality employment law" as my professor would put it.  He's a lawyer... of course it is "basic." BASICally, I did not understand anything going on and I needed to step up my game, so I crammed from 7:00 p.m. until about 3:00a.m. I woke up at 6:30 and started studying again at 8:00 a.m. (UPDATE: I got a 78% but I found a little loophole that might provide me with some wiggle room.)

All-nighter #2: 
I got a 78%. I was in a "screw college" kind of mood and went out with some friends; we stayed out later than expected. Clearly.

All-nighter #3: Well, it was Friday night. The only bad thing was I had to run a 5k the next morning and I realized that at about 3:00 a.m. #College, am I right?

Cancun's sun did a number on me so once my sunburn peels were swept away I started getting back into the gym. I've been working on getting my mile down to 7 minutes. I'm at about 7 and half minutes so just a little further and I'll be golden.

I also made a WANDERLUST page where I'll post about all my travels. Be sure to check that out!

Let's see... what else?

Oh, I've been doing some job searching. When I say some I mean my entire life has been consumed by filling out applications and going in for interviews. So far they have all been practice interviews but I'm not discouraged. It just wasn't a right fit.

UPDATE 4/07: I got a job and now I am looking for an apartment. Applications never stop do they? I'm trading in my paycheck for a covered parking spot and a set of keys. Wow life is liberating.

Spring break came and went in the blink of an eye but i wasn't working my usual 3 jobs so it was an actual break. Then I logged into my online class and realized I had assignments due. #College in a nutshell.

Justin Bieber came to Las Vegas for his Purpose tour and this is only pertinent because I got to go with my best friend! He played all of the songs I was hoping for and threw it back to "Boyfriend" and "Baby." I'd say judge me but I saw plenty of people there my age and older having just as much fun so maybe I'll judge you for not being there.


That's all I have for right now. Check back soon!

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